
Meet consequences.

The mother of a Just Stop Oil activist jailed for disrupting thousands of hardworking people by scaling the M25 gantry has complained she ‘will not be present at her brother’s wedding’.

Just checked my givafuckometer.

Nope. Nothing. Sympathy meter?

Oh dear.

This stupid bint chose to break the law because she believes – wrongly – that there is a climate crisis and that the rest of us should suffer the consequences of her stunts. Well, now she is experiencing consequences and it won’t stop with missing her brother’s wedding. She’s got a criminal record now and that will follow her through life like a bad smell.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

Defending her daughter’s actions outside court, Cathy added: ‘Cressida also grew up completely understanding right and wrong. She has always been unable to stand by when she sees injustice.

‘She has the courage of a lion and a moral compass that compels her to step forward when she sees wrong.

‘Like many of the defendants Cressida tried polite routes to protest and to persuade to affect change. But when she heard the science and saw that no one was paying attention, she felt she had no option.’

Bollocks! She has no right to try and force her worldview on others. There is no injustice that needed her and others to disrupt ordinary people’s lives. If her mother thinks that this is in any way moral, then we can understand why this stupid young woman behaved as she did. What she did was highly immoral. As for her understanding of science, she needs to go back to school and study harder. Cherry picked data is not science, it is politics. There is no science that concludes that a tiny rise in a trace gas essential for life on this planet is about to cause imminent climate catastrophe. Only cultists believe this codswallop. And five of these cultists are now precisely where they belong – behind bars.


  1. Cressida? Check out “The Modern Parents” in Viz comic, Cressida Pratt Wright must be this twat’s role model, maybe John Fardel who wrote the stories could use this one in another series, he could call it the “Clueless Uninformed Nauseous Threatening Scum”

  2. “…no one was paying attention…”

    What? Western governments and the Mainstream Media are continually obsessed with it. Trillions of pounds have been squandered on this total non problem.

  3. Oh no!
    She’s going to miss the wedding!
    While the woman in question caused thousands to miss cancer treatment, hospital appointments, funerals, weddings, business meetings and generally just delayed loads of people.

    The self-awareness is weak in this one.

    CO2 on earth is 0.03% carbon dioxide.
    Even if we double it, it’s 0.06%. so fuck all.
    Water vapour is 0.4% on average though varies with altitude.
    Water vapour is far more effective at heat retention – see a winters night with cloud compared with one that doesn’t.
    It’s all a big con.

    • There’s even less methane in the Earth’s atmosphere than CO2, and yet the climate alarmists are shitting themselves about methane too. (Amount of methane in the atmosphere is about 1/200th that of CO2.)

  4. Tough. I missed my brother’s wedding because I was on a tour of Northern Ireland. I missed the births of two of my daughters because I was in Sierra Leone in 2000 and then Iraq in 2003. I wasn’t allowed to take time off on any of those events. Lots of people have missed marriages and births for various reasons, they’re nothing special. Actions have consequences. In this case, their action was to knowingly break the law. The consequence of that, is that they will now be spending time at His Majesty’s pleasure. I have no sympathy for them.

  5. What a laugh it would be if a group of “Let’s Keep Oil” supporters prevented the wedding party from going to the venue by standing/sitting in their way. (not that I’m suggesting someone should do it).
    ‘As ye sow, so shall ye reap”.

  6. As for her understanding of science, she needs to go back to school and study harder. Cherry picked data is not science, it is politics. There is no science that concludes that a tiny rise in a trace gas essential for life on this planet is about to cause imminent climate catastrophe. Only cultists believe this codswallop.

    Totally agree, but the problem is that we’ve had decades of pupils being indoctrinated with this non-scientific guff from infants school onwards and whilst many will see it for the scam it obviously is, that doesn’t apply to everyone, so I expect to see more “Cresida’s” in the future.

    Fortunately, being able to bugger off on a climate jolly like this is very much a minority sport, since most people of her age are more worried about how to pay their bills that Warble Gloaming bollocks.

  7. I like to compare the Just Stop Oil gang with the vegans. Yes the vegans can be a pain in the arse sometimes but at least they walk the walk and actually live by their convictions. They don’t agree with exploiting animals for food and eat a totally plant based diet. If you really have a problem with oil then don’t use anything based on oil, demonstrate how easily it can be done.

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