Falling on their Arris

So, Kamala is to lead the Democrats into the US presidential election. I can’t make up my mind whether this is better or worse that Sleepy Joe carrying on the fight. Bear in mind that last time around, she didn’t get through the primaries and is only where she is due to her sex and skin colour. Well, it can’t be due to competence. She makes Diane Abbott and David Lammy look like towers of intellect in comparison.

From the Trump perspective, it’s looking like a shoo-in. That said, anything can happen between now and then…


  1. Curious to see how Trump deals with being on the receiving end of the ‘he’s too old’ attack line which is definitely coming his way.

    • Well, in fairness to the Donald, he’s only about four years older than Ronnie was when he began his second term in 1985.

      As for Kama-la-la, not only did she not get through the 2020 primaries, she withdrew before the primaries even began. That’s how much of a loser she is. OK, so she was a senator for California for a few years. But that’s not much of an achievement, since there are so many lefties in California. Being elected as a Democratic senator there wouldn’t be too hard.

      If the Donald wipes the floor with Kamalala in a TV debate then it’s probably all over. He’ll win the election for sure.

    • But that’s not much of an achievement, since there are so many lefties in California. Being elected as a Democratic senator there wouldn’t be too hard.

      It is no secret that Kamala Harris was Willie Brown’s mistress and that he helped her financially by getting her appointed to well paid sinecures on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board ($97,088 a year) and the California Medical Assistance Commission ($72,000 a year). That was a lot of money back then.

      Willie Brown also helped get her elected as a California Senator in 2016 when he called on her likely opponent, Antonio Villaraigosa, to stay out of the race. Without that, Kamala would be no-one.

      She’s been failing upwards her entire life and has done very little that has been praise worthy. Her time as a district attorney is littered with proven miscarriages of justice and she deliberately kept men in prison beyond the completion of their sentences because it benefited the state financially.

      She’s as corrupt as they come.

  2. But what if Joe forgets that he’s resigned (if he is still alive, that is)? What a comeback THAT would be (not).

    If she is allowed to run, she’s a dead woman walking. Hitlery is meant to be the first woman president so Kamala getting there before her is a definite no-no. Felonia Von Pantsuit will make extra double sure that the assassination attempt on Kamala will not miss by THAT much.

    I wonder how quickly that 100 million ballot papers showing Harris as the winner can be printed and then she’ll be the most popular US President EVAH in all history … After all, right now, she’s only a couple of points behind Trump and she hasn’t even started on her campaign yet. And if you believe that …

    As the Chinese say, may you live in interesting times.

  3. The Democrats stole the election in 2020, by printing dodgy ballot papers and feeding them into the system at selected places under their control, but their ability to do that with Dementia Joe in 2024 was limited, it would have required too many ballots at too many locations they couldn’t control.

    That’s why they’ve swapped out Dementia Joe for Cackling Kamala, they are hoping to close the gap so that they can repeat what they did in 2020 and still win.

    Circumstances are different though, so they might not get away with it a second time.


  4. Interestingly, I believe there are a few states where a candidate may not be removed from the ballot after a certain date, except for death (Wisconsin) or, in the case of Nevada I think, also insanity or severe mental incapacity. Well, we all know Joe is incapable, however this bout of Covid will no doubt prove fatal. If he’s still President come election day, then there are a few states that either Trump will win by default, or Biden will get the votes but they will be meaningless for Harris.

    As an aside the Finnish translation of Kamala Harris is Horrible Harris.

  5. I can’t see them letting procedural issues keep Cackling Kamala off the ballot in any state, even if they have to take legal / political action to do so.

    They’ll need to be quick though.

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