Pack Off

Chris Packham is a vile little man. A typical preachy middle class twat who thinks he can lecture the rest of us. Well, he wants the Attorney General to do something about the JSO sentences.

Mr Packham described the sentences as a ‘grotesque miscarriage of justice’.

No. They weren’t. They were justified. Hallam and his acolytes deliberately targeted ordinary people with their eco terrorism. Jail is where they belong. This was not legitimate protest and they broke the law. The jury got it right and so did the judge – although if it was me, the sentences would have been longer. The longer that creature Hallam is off the streets the better for the rest of us.

Frankly, Packham should be in there with them.

Notable signatories of the letter, which was shared with The Times, include former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, human rights solicitor Sir Geoffrey Bindman KC and artist Dame Tracey Emin.

It was also backed by Coldplay’s Chris Martin, author Sir Philip Pullman and director Danny Boyle.

Well, colour me surprised. Of course none of these self-righteous wankers were stuck in the chaos created by these terrorist scum. None of these preachy ponces suffered any harm – that’s for the little people. By God, I despise these people with every fibre of my being.

It said that the activists were not allowed to explain their actions to a jury, undermining their right to a fair trial.

The activists, it claims, were performing a vital service by raising awareness of the climate crisis.

Fuck off. We know what their reasons were – they belong to a doomsday cult. They are no different to the followers of any other doomsday cult and their reasons are not relevant and only a completely out of touch wanker like Packham could claim that this behaviour is a vital service. Did they, or did they not engage in a conspiracy to engage in a terrorist act? Yes. Then jail it is. They got a fair trial and they are where they belong. Fuck off.


  1. Packham is a hypocrite. Lord Botham said: “Chris promotes holidays for the rich that encourage people to go on very long flights to places like Botswana, Peru and the Falkland Islands. Flights which create eye-watering emissions.”

    The judge rightly did not want the trial turned into a political rally. We all know about climate change; we just don’t agree on the crisis part.

    • We all know about climate change; we just don’t agree on the crisis part.

      And it is not relevant to whether or not an offence was committed. It was. The reasons why are neither here nor there.

      • Absolutely right!

        These creatures are in jail because they have been blocking roads and causing unwanted and unwarranted disruption to the lives of millions.

        The excuse – “cause” – is an absolute irrelevance. As is the disgusting arrogance, self righteousness and mindless stupidity of these infantilised scum.

        It’s the behaviour that is the crime. Such behaviour has ALWAYS been a crime. Hopefully, this might be a sign that it will be treated as such again.

  2. China and India must be laughing up their sleeves at our antics. Of course their combined CO2 emmisions make those antics completely irrelevant. There have now been over four decades worth of failed doomsday predictions from charlatans masquerading as climate scientists. You would think that people would have caught on by now, why would you believe people who are so consistently wrong?

    • I feel that that is part of China’s plan. Odd that they stopped new steel production in the uk…

  3. Packham, Welby, and the other millionaire tossers have their opinions, but they are no more valid than plumbers, nurses, carpenters, and brickies who keep this country turning, and who were most affected by Hallam. Would the times, or other ‘impartial’ rags have published letters from the public, if they had the time to write them, demanding the sentences be increased? We all know the answer to that.
    If Hallam ends up sharing a cell with Big Bubba, who is missing the love of his life, he’ll soon be screaming for oil, and lots of it.

  4. I think we can take it that if Hallam serves his sentence, it will be in the equivalent of the “country club” prisons used in the US for eminent white-collar crims. I assume Leyhill Prison in Gloucestershire is still (literally) open.

  5. How much more emissions were caused by holding up traffic for so long, notwithstanding the economic cost of all the time and fuel wasted? A spectacular own goal, on top of their selfishness and lack of self awareness.

    They should be sued in civil courts by all the people who suffered losses, if only just time. So they come out penniless and in debt forever after they come out.

  6. Explain to the Jury? That’s not how the courts work. A jury is directed to give a verdict according to the evidence, not feelings or motives.

    Jaysus Giuseppe and Murphy, these people deserve every penalty possible.

    • The judge was spot on in not allowing them to lecture the jury. They jury was fully aware of the motives involved and was not concerned with judging these as that is not their role. Cretins.

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