Politics is War

Politics is supposed to be a way of managing differences without resorting to violence.

Hundreds of far-right activists have begun a series of marches across the UK after a night of “unforgivable” violence in Sunderland.

Demonstrations taking place in several cities on Saturday, including Manchester, Stoke and Belfast have already seen clashes with police and counter-protesters.

The far right has drawn condemnation from MPs across the political spectrum after disorder in London, Manchester, Southport and Hartlepool over the past three days.

On Friday, a far-right mob torched a Sunderland police station as eight people were arrested amid violent disorder that saw a mosque surrounded by rioters.

Yeah, yeah, far right, blah, blah blah.

The question here is ‘why?’ I can answer that. People reading this can answer it, too. If you keep importing an alien culture and allowing ghettos to form that become no-go zones for the indigenous population, if you ignore reasonable feedback about untrammelled immigration, if you ignore reasonable concerns about Islamification that causes de facto blasphemy laws, if you repeatedly smear people for being racist and nothing is done to deal with those valid concerns, eventually something is going to blow. Well, it just did. It’s going to get worse because we now have a government that not only has no democratic mandate, but is actively hostile to the white working classes and the very essence of Englishness. The democratic process has failed and politics has now been replaced with violence.

Once, I would have been condemning what we have seen. Now I do not. People are sick of the excuses, they are sick of third world savages raping and murdering and getting away with it, they are sick of being silenced with accusations of racism.

Enough is enough. May this parliament be extremely uncomfortable for Sir Kneelalot Stalin. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest every orifice in his weaselly, scummy body. May his nasty, anti-English government set about each other and feed off each others’ festering carcasses. May every single one of the lying, thieving bastards rot in eternal damnation. I hate them. I hate them all and will for eternity and beyond.


  1. Politicised policing is probably exacerbating the issue. Everyone has seen how the police deal with, or rather don’t deal with JSO and pro Palestine protests.

    • Just look at the almighty kicking that Hampshire PCC Donna Jones is getting, for putting out a statement that, if it had been issued when BLM and Palestine protesters were marching, would have drawn smug nods and invitations to cocktail parties from the political establishment.

  2. Being reasonably politically aware I despair of an electorate which elected scum like these to replace the incumbent scum. Mind you, our cousins in the colony across the lake managed worse.

  3. This is the best analogy yet with a solution for the mess that America/Canada/UK/Germany/ Australia/NZ is now in economically.

    I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed.

    What a beauty of A bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed.

    Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the Continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

    But then the birds started… Building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.

    Then came the shit. It was Everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table…Everywhere!

    Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to Peck me even though I had Fed them out of my own Pocket.

    And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night And demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.

    After a while, I couldn’t even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the Bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.

    Soon, the back yard was like It used to be ….. Quiet, serene…. And no one demanding their rights to a free meal.

    Now let’s see……

    Our government gives out Free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic Citizen.

    Then the illegal’s came by the hundreds of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; Your child’s second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn’t speak English.

    Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to
    press one to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ”ours” are Squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.

    Just my opinion, but maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

    If you agree, pass it on; if not, just continue cleaning up the shit!

  4. I think many white people – working class people particularly – must be getting to the stage where they are beginning to feel they have nothing to lose.

    For my part, I am 64, a well educated, well paid, very comfortable professional, living somewhere that has been largely untouched by primeval third world garbage (and I’m probably too old to do anything direct these days – that’s my excuse anyway. I’m not entirely proud of my relative inactivity!)

    I am boiling with anger. I thought I hated and despised the globo-filth, but in the last few days……..!! I can only imagine the anger SO many less well off than me must be feeling, particularly those whose communities and livelihoods have been devastated.

    And if you are also young, can’t afford your rent and can’t see any prospect of ever getting a job that will pay enough to ever live decently

    The sheer blatancy of the double standards, and above all the contrast between how the police have been treating the “right wing” and islamofilth, “green” saboteur parasites, anti-israel hypocrites, and so MANY other rent-a-mob useless trash.

    I’ve seen a few clips of the police dealing with the “far right”, and how keen they are to use violence on white people, who essentially are doing little more than shouting a bit on the streets.

    In these clips, the white crowds, while angry, still are very reluctant to intervene in these “arrests”.

    Perhaps somewhere in the next few years (maybe months, maybe weeks) somebody will say, “fuck it” and wade in, perhaps triggering a very nasty incident where the police might get a genuine kicking.

    Are the globo-filth hoping for this?

    I really don’t know if they are.

    But if they are they should remember: don’t wish for something too much, you might get it!

  5. Since Blair’s sneering desire to “rub the right’s nose in diversity”, those of us (decidedly non-extremist) kept telling the elite that they were sowing a wind and would reap a whirlwind. We were mostly ignored, sometimes being condescendingly dismissed as racists. The British have not been particularly racist ever (see Bamber Bridge etc.) but have never had any desire to have an alien culture foisted upon us to the extent that this alien culture has been elevated by the elite as superior to our own, and our once-impartial police force has metamorphosised into the paramilitary enforcement wing of the woke liberal elite, treating the traditional indigenous population with open contempt.

    They sowed the wind and it appears that the inevitable whirlwind is coming.

  6. If you keep importing an alien culture and allowing ghettos to form that become no-go zones for the indigenous population, if you ignore reasonable feedback about untrammelled immigration, if you ignore reasonable concerns about Islamification that causes de facto blasphemy laws, if you repeatedly smear people for being racist and nothing is done to deal with those valid concerns, eventually something is going to blow.

    Iirc, it was Jefferson who said
    “If you make peaceful change impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable.”

    Here we are.
    All the things you list have made peaceful change impossible.

  7. For a supposed elite, the governing classes are remarkably stupid and ill educated.History, if they knew any, which I doubt, will show them that most of the British are a remarkably peaceable people. However if you push them too far, and boy have they been pushed, then they will revolt and the results are not pretty.Quite simply a lot of people have had enough.

  8. Finally the lion has been awakened, the cowardly attack on little girls at the dance class in Southport was the final straw.

    So far we’ve seen anger and revulsion from normal decent working class people to the continuing destruction of their country and way of life, the far right haven’t even left their homes yet.

  9. ’Once, I would have been condemning what we have seen. Now I do not.’

    Me neither. Didn’t we learn through the pages of the ‘Guardian’ that BLM were ‘the voice of the downtrodden and marginalised’?

    So now, why should I quibble when the guy running out of Footlocker with an arm full of looted trainers is somewhat lighter on the melanin scale than usual? *shrugs*

  10. Good post LR with some excellent comments as well.
    Like you l personally dislike violence or aggression but l’m really not surprised at what we are seeing. It has been a long time coming and I fear our self identifying ‘betters’ will continue to stoke the underlying anger by dismissing the legitimate concerns that are driving this.
    Comments made by hecklers when Kweer Stalin turned up at Southport for his virtue signalling photo op are quite appropriate l think –

    ‘How many more of our children have to die before you do something Mr Prime minister?’

    ‘when are you going to make a change?’

    and my favourite ‘you’re not wanted here, why don’t you fuck off and do something useful’

  11. Last night they were throwing fireworks. If nothing changes then next summer it will be petrol bombs.

    The Labour Government isn’t listening.

    • I wonder sometimes if this is why governments are so keen on EVs.
      Hard to make a petrol bomb if nobody sells petrol any more…

      Of course, a few ebike batteries can make a pretty sizeable explosion…
      Not condoning that either

  12. Interesting that there’s not been any such action in Bradford. . . . .
    Maybe the ‘far right’ are smart enough to realise that, however many demonstrators they could muster, they’d be outnumbered 100 to 1 by the resident Islamofilth in a once-proud city that is now just a total third world shithole.

  13. Bradford (and Dewsbury) need nuking from space. Although even that might not work as we are told cockroaches can survive nuclear holocasts!

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