Insufferable Little Turd

Useless Yousaf.

Humza Yousaf has called for the Army to be called in to stop thugs running rampage across the UK.

The former first minister of Scotland issued the plea as he said the police did not look like they had a “handle on the situation”.

He said: “It doesn’t look like, to me, the police have a handle on the situation.

“The police have not been able to protect those that are in the Holiday Inn.

“The army can help to get control where the police are unable.”

Oddly enough, I don’t recall this vile creep calling for this when the racist scum of BLM were rioting on our streets, nor do I recall him calling for the army to remove JSO terrorists from our roads because the police couldn’t cope. However, that isn’t what makes me angry – his rampant hypocrisy is to be taken as read. He is, after all, a politician and an SNP one at that, so he gets double bonus points for his stupidity and double standards. No, what this toxic little man wants is the army firing on British citizens. What he wants is what happens in totalitarian dictatorships, not liberal democracies.

During the BLM rampages, we had all sorts of excuses being wheeled out to justify the behaviour. Now that the boot is on the other foot and it is indigenous English people finally rising up against the incessant injustice forced upon us by an elite that hates us, apparently, rioting is not okay. If it’s good enough for BLM, it’s good enough for the English.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.

Rudyard Kipling

The political scum who run our country are starting to realise what happens when a peaceful and quiet nation begins to hate. I hate them, too. I hate them with every fibre of my being, every drop of sweat from my brow, during every waking moment and when I see that smug prick Starmer daring to lecture us on some news bulletin – the man who has no mandate from the people he is now trying to crush (not to mention rob us blind with eye-watering tax rises). I hate as I have never hated. I have watched these evil scumbags destroy the country I grew up in, I have watched them actively enable the build up of no-go ghettos in our cites, the imposition of de facto blasphemy laws and the Islamification of our capital to the point where I no longer recognise it as an English city at all. We have a Marxist PM who is more concerned about mosques than he is about the rape and murder of our children, who goes onto television to pander to this alien culture. He is beneath contempt as is every one of the totalitarian clowns who sit alongside him on the government benches. Yet, apparently, it is I who is the extremist here.

So, yes, this Englishman has begun to hate.


  1. ” What he wants is what happens in totalitarian dictatorships…”

    To make him feel more at home. Clearly, the SNP haven’t been as dictatorish enough.

  2. Clearly the recent riots are ‘the wrong sort of riot’ for the Elite – they wouldn’t expect to be caught up in and Army suppression, merely to feel smug that the rustic mechanicals were being put in their place, hard.

    Need one ask how Humza Yousaf would react to military suppression of Scottish people rioting in support of Independence?

  3. I’ve often thought, if I was given three months to live, which scrote among the many would I take with me, assuming I’d only have one opportunity. There are certainly some people on this planet who have done very great harm to many and yet are feted for it by the so-called elite.

    • If you chose Pigs eyes Starmer to eliminate you’d have to be mighty quick as the queue would be extremely long, a better option would be to do him in soon, video it then sell it on DVDs, you would soon make a fortune, may even be knighted for services to the nation.

  4. Useless – primitive islamofilth in one rancid, syphilitic turd.

    The ignorance, arrogance, entitlement and insane sense of superiority and entitlement.

    In a few thousand years, this cancer might just make it TO the stone age!

  5. Apparently these views are not representative of the vast majority of the country. Bollocks – all the people I know (many middle class professionals) think the same way. Most however are afraid to come out publicly because the political class will “cancel” them with extreme prejudice.

    It’s an existential crisis for the UK – get rid of the (so called) elites or let the country go to shite.

  6. Humza is very rich. Maybe a billionaire. Somebody said “Better to say nothing and be thought a fool, rather than speak and confirm it.” Or something like that.
    From your post title, I thought this was going to be about Sad-dick Con.

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