Extra Time

A 25 hour day. Oooh excellent news. What will I do with it?

Days on Earth are slowly getting longer as the moon gradually drifts away from our planet, new research has shown.

Scientists found that as the moon moves further away, its changing gravitational impact on the Earth is slowing the planet’s rotation and making days incrementally longer.

Wonderful stuff. There could be so much extra productivity.

They predicted that days on our planet could eventually become 25 hours long, but noted that it would take about 200 million years.

Ah. Okay. That was short lived. As you were, then…


  1. Arthur Dent settled on a planet that was basically like earth but had longer days if I remember correctly. The locals had never invented sandwiches and saw him as a genius when he introduced them to the concept.

    • Yes, I already knew about this and they don’t seem to actually understand what is happening as they have the cause and effect backwards. The rotation of the Earth has a kind of slingshot effect on the moon so that kinetic energy is slowly being transfered to the Moon. So the Earth slows down while the Moon’s orbit speeds up. The days get imperceptibly longer while the phases of the Moon get shorter and the increase in speed means that the Moon moves further away.

      • Global Warming caused this. Not only are the days getting hotter they are getting longer too.

        Must be the mass of SUVs changing the mass of the earth or something.

        and for those unsure. 😮

  2. The MSM is masking real, embarassing, news by distracting us with trivia. Look,a squirrel! This distracting “news” is gathered up all the time, but is saved until some other newsworthy event needs to be ignored.

  3. Many years ago, I read that the gravitational effect of the moon help keeps this planet’s rotation stable. If so, as the moon gets further away, will that stability decrease? Fortunately, I’ll be long gone when the planet starts wobbling like a weeble.
    200 millions years, you say? The storyline of Eastenders may even make them begin to like each other by then?

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