More Wanksy

Why this turd is feted is beyond me. What he does is vandalism. He desecrates other peoples property for the larks. Never mind that it might cost them a small fortune.

But if an original sprayed ­stencil appears overnight on the side of your home or business, it would pose problems. After all, Banksy’s team issue no manual of instructions on how to protect and maintain the artworks. In fact, the artist is understood to feel that whatever happens to his sub­versive images is all part of the initial ­creative intervention.

That’s some artbollocks right there. Pretentious word salad designed to excuse the inexcusable. He uses stencils. The results are tediously establishment and not remotely interesting or original in thought. They are just the usual vandalism.

The works, though often playfully intended, draw crowds as well as criminals and can incur costs. Two disgruntled landlords spoke out in 2021 when Banksy sprayed a large herring gull on to the side of a Suffolk house they let to tenants. Garry and Gokean Coutts claimed that protecting the bird and repairing vandalism would cost them nearly £40,000 a year. Removal, alternatively, would involve spending more than £200,000, they said.

Personally, I’d be out painting over it myself to remove it. Problem solved. I certainly wouldn’t allow it to remain on my property, nor would I pay large sums of money to maintain it. I’d be down to B&Q, buying some exterior paint and out with a ladder, brush in hand.

“I’m not sure Banksy realises the unintended consequences on homeowners. If we could turn back the clock, we would,”

He’s a common vandal. These scumbags don’t give a toss about the effects their crimes have on others or they wouldn’t be carrying out criminal damage in the first place.

A spokesperson for t he Royal Borough of Greenwich, the local authority, said: “It’s a real shame that a mindless vandal has defaced the mural, which has already drawn visitors and brought so much joy to many.”

FFS! The original ‘mural’ was wanton vandalism, so defacing it is no more so than the original.


  1. It’s just another measure of the detachment between us and them.

    Infantilised, insanely overhyped graffiti, nothing more.

    To be fair, most of this graffiti is beyond my stick man level of “artistic” competance, as it would be for most of the population, but there must be hundreds of thousands who could do a hundred times better.

    But above all, it’s “approved” graffiti, fully compliant with inner party propaganda.

    As such the nominal rules regarding property rights and the like don’t exist.

    If this bird shite were to splatter on the side of your house and you removed it, that would constitute thought crime and you would likely be charged with “destruction of the people’s art” or some such globo-filth wank.

  2. Watching YouTube yesterday I saw a government sponsored ad lecturering me about tolerance. I was left speechless by both the hypocrisy and the detachment from reality.

  3. To be honest I don’t find the ads on YouTube to be too obtrusive and I get that they help to pay for a service that I otherwise get free of charge. What got me about this one was to be lectured about tolerance by those who have form for jailing people for saying something that they disagree with. That and the fact that the British are very tolerant as a rule but tend to draw a line when it comes to murderous criminals. The fact that a disproportionate number of said criminals seem to be immigrants or the descendants of immigrants doesn’t stop being a fact if you prosecute anyone who points it out.

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