1. Anne Coulter was mocked for saying ” The longer they go without telling you, it’s not a white male.” which has turned out to be true in most cases. Though the British plod resorted to outright misdirection about the rwandian killer in Southport.

  2. Per Bild.de -“The perpetrator, according to witnesses an Arab-looking man, is on the run. The police have not officially confirmed the witness statement at first, but are now talking about a southern-looking perpetrator.” What a fucking surprise – said no one.

  3. Why is anyone surprised that diverse people have diverse opinions on the rights and wrongs of stabbing other people?

  4. Southern looking, what the hell does that mean?

    As for the Festival Of Diversity, it seems that way too many people have a childishly naive view of the world, it’s as though they think that life is like a Disney film.

  5. We are dispensable. Things will only change when the “elites” start experiencing the fruits of diversity on a regular basis.

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