I Really Don’t Want to Know

I never did Farcebook. Indeed I avoided it for over a decade. Those were the days. It was work that finally made the decision to open an account. What was scary was finding out that they had already formed a ghost account for me. I persisted because the sale of the Bike School meant that I needed to be a member of the group discussing it. That came to nothing in the end, but at the time, I was starting to publish my writing and I have to admit, using is at a sales tool has been effective. I won’t be retiring to some exotic island on the proceeds but I have sold a few books through this medium, so I persist. Not least because it put me back in touch with people I hadn’t seen for a while. This, however, can be a mixed blessing.

The problem (well, one of them) with this stuff is over sharing. Look, if you have got to the ripe old age of sixty, good for you, so have I. However, I managed to resist the urge to post photographs of the shit test that came though the post. Good Lord! Do it or don’t do it, whatever floats your boat. The rest of us really don’t need to know.