Sounds Fine to Me

Florida is pushing back against the gay mafia.

Several Florida cities have long been top U.S. destinations for LGBTQ+ tourists, but maybe not for long.

Many were shocked this week when travelers learned that Florida’s tourism marketing agency quietly removed the “LGBTQ Travel” section from its website sometime in the past few months.

Maybe the majority are tired of this overt rainbow bullshit. I certainly am. Live how you like, but don’t expect others to have to put up with it.

“It’s just disgusting to see this,” said Keith Blackburn, who heads the Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce. “They seem to want to erase us.”

Ah, the usual hysterical nonsense. All that’s missing is ‘genocide.’ No one is erasing anyone, just not bringing bedroom antics into tourism. Now, can we remove all these ridiculous pride flags and murals, please?


  1. But what about the contributions of gay people to society where being gay was arguably a central part of their, er, contribution?
    People such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Dennis Nilsen and John Wayne Gacy…

    But they don’t like to be reminded of them. They only like to pretend that gayers are good people and not that they can also be exploitative psychopaths.

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