That’s the Way to Do It

The Spanish are taking no prisoners here.

This is the shocking moment a Spanish Civil Guard police boat runs over a migrant dinghy, sending its occupants flying into the water.

In a video taken on Horcas Coloradas beach on Sunday in Melilla, Spain, a small motorboat said to be carrying four African migrants – including a girl – can be seen being pursued by a border vessel.

After refusing to comply with warnings from the Royal Marine Gendarmerie patrol to stop, the Spanish Civil Guard motorboat veers to the right, driving over the top of the dinghy.

It causes the migrants’ boat to capsize, throwing at least one person into the sea. The Government Delegation in Melilla – a Spanish enclave of Melilla in northern Morocco – has since confirmed no one was injured, RTVE Noticias reports.

Cue the usual bleeding hearts, but as far as I am concerned this is an example of FAFO. It won’t take too many of these incidents for the illegals to get the message.

The Interior Ministry has confirmed the four occupants of the boat have already been returned to Morocco.

Job done. And keep doing it. We should be doing likewise. Any sympathy I might once have had has evaporated now. Capsize the boats, rescue the occupants and drop them back where they came from.


  1. I’d let someone else rescue them, that’s if anyone cares.
    Brutal and harsh for sure but how many times would you have to do it before they find a route to somewhere else and stop being your problem.
    Also, continuing with the current ‘be nice’ policy puts far more people at risk than a couple of sinkings would.

  2. I’m not seeing a problem, the Civil Guard told them to stop, they were ignored, and then they acted. Hopefully, this will now serve as a warning to those trying to cross from Morocco that they won’t make it. If only our own and especially the French authorities were so pro-active in dealing illegal immigrants.

  3. Did you see the recent clip, taken from a cargo vessel, of the crew firing multiple AK47’s at an approaching “pirate” boat? After several bursts it spectacularly exploded. It hopefully sent a message to the Houthi rebels intent on disrupting commercial shipping…

    • As always, I point out that western countries, including you Brits, are spending huge sums to feed the 20 odd million Yemenis. And the NGO’s use it to pay taxes to the Houthis so they can have the privilege of supporting them.

      Needless to say, I wouldn’t give them a penny.

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