Good Grief

Chroming is a thing, apparently. No, me neither.

It would later emerge that the youngtser had gone into cardiac arrest from trying the deadly ‘chroming’ social media trend, which involves inhaling toxic chemicals. Horrified, Nichola called for her other children and began performing CPR on Cesar, whilst her eldest son Kaiden called for the ambulance.

I do recall a trend for glue sniffing. This seems to be an extension of that. Then there was that bucket thing a few years back. How moronic was that? I guess there have always been people who just follow the crowd, no matter how idiotic the crowd may be. My mother used to say ‘if someone told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?’ (Correct answer: ‘no’). That was advice I took to heart and I have never been prone to the latest craze, preferring to walk my own path.

I dunno, what is it? A need to be seen to be part of the in crowd? Fashion, or just plain stupidity? Really, I don’t understand it. That’s not just because of my age. I’ve never understood the vacuousness necessary to follow the latest stupid trend or craze.


  1. Starmfuhrer seems to be keen on following the latest stupid fads and trends – so long as he thinks it makes him look virtuous.

  2. “If someone told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?”

    Context is needed, I’d asked if the bridge was on fire and jumping was my only means of escape. At which point I’d have received a clip around the ear and told not to be such a smart Alec.

  3. When there’s that video of user “pLonkrr” on TwitTwat doing it, and you know it’s absolutely genuine because it says so right in the description, too many kids will have a go themselves, whatever “it” might be. Part of the problem is too much helicopter parenting so they have never had a chance to find out what might hurt.

  4. Some time in the 80s when glue sniffing was the big craze, my wife and I took our two sons into Liverpool for a visit to the Maritime Museum.Our boys were about 10/12 years old , just the age to be trying stupid things. We had parked the car on the ground floor of a city centre car park and had just locked it up when the street door opened and 3 young lads not much older than ours came literally staggering in .They spoke to us making no sense at all and then disappeared somewhere into the bowels of the building. My kids were a little frightened by their behaviour, but curious,so we told them that the lads had been glue sniffing and this was the result. From that moment we had no worries that our two would ever indulge in anything like sniffing.

  5. Many years ago I remember reading about a girl who had died after deliberately inhaling insecticide. Complaints were made that the can should have been more clearly labelled. The can in question had the word POISON in large stencil style letters and a scull and crossbones on it. I don’t know whether we just hear more about people doing stupid stuff now or if people really are becoming more stupid over time, it certainly seems that way. Like the trend for giving stupid names to your children. The worst examples I’ve heard, which fortunately better informed acquaintances usually talked them out of, were Placenta, Chlamydia and Treblinka.

  6. I first came across word “chroming” in Australia about year 2000 and asked a local what it meant and he explained that it involved catching aerosol the output of a spray can, paint, but anything will do, in a paper bag (very environmentally friendly) and then inhaling the contents of said bag.
    The term spread to inhaling anything but glue and petrol fumes were most popular.

  7. Its a complex subject but one key part is that the Stasi say things that are not true. Such as alcohol is bad for you when adults have been drinking for years. Then they say this glue will kill you while they use it in school and don’t die so they are not believed. They see their friends try it and not die so it is treated as just more words lies to stop them having fun.

  8. My Mrs has been complaining for years at just how incredibly stupid so many people are and its getting worse.

    When i read things like this, the film Terminator 2 comes to mind and the secen where a young John Connor is commenting about the human race, ‘we’re not going to make it are we’.

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