…Of innocents.
As you may be aware, my current paramour is Ukrainian. What I have not mentioned is that this has been going on for a year. She has moved in and although we haven’t set a date, we have an understanding. She is, if you like, the new Mrs L Elect. This, however, is by the by. Like most of the eastern Europeans I’ve met, she doesn’t have a brain/mouth filter.
We were out shopping when she stopped my by a shop window. “I don’t understand,” she said. “Why in all these shop displays, there are no white people?”
Oh to see ourselves as other see us, eh?
Congratulations and had no idea your partner is Ukranian.
Haven’t had the pleasure of meeting any Ukranian’s yet but can imagine many Poles asking a similar question.
For heaven’s sake keep her away from TV’s woke advertising!
I got rid of the television ages ago. That and the dire BBC output was the nail in the coffin for me.
Good for her.
The Emperor has got no clothes on.
My fine wifey is Greek, the same lack of filter applies, if she sees or hears bullshit its going to get called out no matter what.
My muckers from former east european countries don’t have any truck with bullshit either.
Good luck to you both for the future.
My very best wishes to you both.
Please don’t try to change her natural mindset, it will be a continuing source of both amusement and home-truths, which can only enhance your shared life together. Enjoy every moment and revelation.
Very best wishes to you both LR.