
No, she is not irresponsible.

Elle Macpherson has been branded ‘shockingly irresponsible’ after revealing she treated her breast cancer with a ‘heart-led holistic approach’, shunning the advice of 32 doctors.

The supermodel, 60, was diagnosed with HER2 positive oestrogen receptive intraductal carcinoma – a type of breast cancer, after undergoing a lumpectomy seven years ago.

Medics suggested a mastectomy with radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, plus reconstruction of her breast.

But Elle decided go down the route of unconventional treatment and enlisted a group of specialists to create a plan that ‘addressed emotional as well as physical factors associated with breast cancer’.

Her body, her choice. I have watched chemotherapy first hand. It’s brutal. Medieval, even. It’s a sledgehammer approach to a disease that the medics don’t really know how to treat and for which there isn’t really a cure, so they kill the patient with poison. The late Mrs L chose this route and it finished her off. It was supposed to give her more time. Maybe it did, but the time it gave her was dreadful and she would have been better declining and going a bit earlier without the side effects.

I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. If I ever found myself in that position, I would not, under any circumstances have chemotherapy. And declining it is a basic human right – the right to decide what happens to the one thing that is truly ours; our body. No one is obliged to accept medical treatment, so those labelling Ms MacPherson as irresponsible can fuck right off. It’s none of their business. It is her body and her choice. That’s it.

‘There is no medical science behind any of it to prove it can work.’

The same can be said for conventional oncology, otherwise, see above. It’s her body and her choice. If she dies of cancer, which is likely, then she has done what is right for her. No one else’s business.


  1. Had a cat that developed lymphoma due to FeLV. The vet suggested chemotherapy to treat it.

    The cat didn’t like going to the vet (it made him stressed) and it would have required a weekly trip for the treatment.
    I asked how long the life expectancy would be with chemo – 6 months as it probably wouldn’t be cured, only go into temporary remission.
    And without treatment – anything up to 6 months depending on how aggressive it was!

    So, the choice was to stress the cat with chemo for likely the same life expectancy. He lived for 6 more months and we had him put to sleep when it became obvious it was time.

    Like Elle, we made a choice that was best for us.

  2. Why the duck did swell check her out decide that when I tapped out “way” what I really meant was “day to day” a pico second before I hit Comment?

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