Reaping the Whirlwind

The vile Islamic shits in Hezbollah are finding out that pissing off Israel comes with a price.

Panic has erupted once again in Lebanon as more reports emerge of “exploding Hezbollah walkie-talkies”.

This comes just 24 hours after thousands of people were injured – including Iran’s Ambassador after pagers exploded across the country.

A security source told Reuters that “hand-held radios” have been targeted in the latest attacks. Another source claims that Hezbollah purchased the radios five months ago, roughly the same time as the pagers which exploded on Tuesday.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

They brought this on themselves. Any civilian casualties are their responsibility. However, this rather creative attack serves another purpose in that it gives Israel real time intelligence on Hezbollah operatives, contacts, vehicles, homes, workplaces and so on. You have to hand it to Mossad, they do think outside the box. As for Hezbollah, exterminate the lot of them, frankly. I have no sympathy.


  1. An absolute masterstroke by the Israeli security forces. Possibly the epitome of chutzpah.
    It also sends the message that you don’t mess with the Tribe and they will get you no matter who you are or where you are when you least expect it.

  2. I’m trying hard not to snigger.

    Did anyone else note how, in the clip of the pager going off in the deli/minimart, everyone else just walked away from the screaming Hizbolloperative?
    Not indicative of mass support in Lebanon.

  3. It’s worth bearing the general principle in mind. How do we know that any of the kit we use every day was not provided by someone who wishes us ill? For example, the computers on which we are exchanging these views?

  4. The devices concerned are the pagers that Hezbollah use for secure communications. So, the effect of this attack is not just to kill and injure Hezbollah operatives, but also to disrupt their communications system and make them distrust the devices that they previously relied on. But an attack on an enemy’s communications system is usually done to prepare the ground for an offensive, so the question is whether this is actually just one stage of a much bigger plan.

  5. First they monitor mobiles for targeting info (successfully).
    Baddies recognise the threat so think they’re clever using pagers but…….
    Baddies now starting to sweat a bit, switch to walkie talkies and…….
    Baddies now pulling their hair out wondering what else is going to explode – how can they communicate safely.
    As lsrael has been one step ahead all the way thus far so, if l was one of the baddies, l’d be crapping myself about now.
    Brilliant plan, brilliantly executed and very low collateral damage so the geniuses behind this should be feeling very pleased at the moment.
    Me, l’m looking forward to the next installment – exploding laptops, maybe, so the baddies won’t have much use for virgins in the afterlife.

  6. I’d heard the thing about the raisins before and thought that it was pretty funny. It also reminded me of the radio comedy Old Harry’s Game when a suicide bomber arrives in Hell and immediately starts asking Satan where his virgins are. He had got lost and driven an explosive loaded truck into an empty barber shop.
    SB: Where there any casualties?
    Satan: Just you.

  7. What is truly disgusting about this, and a measure of the totality of the degeneracy of this obscene death cult, is the victimhood.

    Oh, it’s SO unfair the way the evil dewes are targetting us like this!

    What is even more disgusting is the dhimmi whoring of so many of our “betters”.


    I laughed until my damn ringpiece prolapsed!

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