Defund the BBC

People are noticing that the BBC has a bias.

How refreshing it would be if the BBC broadcast a comedy show that poked fun at the twisted Left-wing mentality that now dominates British public life.

It would be spoilt for choice in the breadth of targets – from the absurdity of our border forces ­acting as a glorified ferry service for illegal cross-Channel migrants, ministers secretly accepting freebie donations from millionaires for new clothes, or Ed Miliband’s Net Zero agenda which could mean the import of solar panels from China made by Uyghur forced labour and leaving British families to pay rocketing energy bills for the privilege.

However, such fun is absent from the airwaves.

Instead, too many so-called ­comedians act like the guardians of the progressive orthodoxy and ­endlessly take pathetic potshots at the Conservatives as if they were still in government.

Nothing more graphically highlights this than BBC One’s Have I Got News For You. Now in its 34th year, what was once a sharp, acidic programme is dated and predictable. The flamethrower of savage wit has been replaced by the loudspeaker of political partisanship.

Well, yes, quite. In the early days, it was entertaining. However there came a point where it not only lost its edge, but the left leaning bias of those producing it started to really show through.

Instead, one of the guest panellists, former Tory MP Dame Andrea ­Jenkyns, was subjected to a barrage of character denigration that reduced her to near silence.

Leading the charge was Ian ­Hislop, who, with increasingly puritanical smugness, has set himself up as one of the nation’s chief ­moralisers. Yet he’s part of Britain’s privileged elite, upholding the gospel of political correctness while pocketing a reported £20,000 per show. He has a seemingly neurotic obsession with Boris Johnson –someone who last occupied No 10 three prime ministers ago.

Why anyone who isn’t a smug leftist goes on that show is beyond me. It’s like going into a school playground with a label on your back saying ‘kick me.’ The allegory pretty much sums up the puerile nature of this so-called entertainment. It was precisely this kind of spiteful attack on guests that saw the late Mrs L and I switching off and vowing never to watch again. This show has long since passed its sell-by date, along with the vile organisation that produces it. It’s also time to put Mr Smug from Smug Street, Smugsville, Smugshire in the land of Smug out to pasture as well. If I had a television, the sight of his piggy smirk would be enough for me to want to smash something into it anyway – so probably best I don’t have one. Things could get expensive.

Oh and as an aside I got a letter telling me that I need to let them know if I need a licence or not. Fuck off. I don’t have to tell Netflix or Sky if I don’t want their subscriptions. I wonder if they will send the boys round?


  1. Hislop was regularly taking snipes at the incompetence and waste caused by the lumbering bureaucracy of the EU. Then Brexit became an issue and suddenly it was those who wanted to leave the EU that were the target.

  2. Only a couple of months and l’ll be joining you and going tv free. As an added bonus l’ll also be ditching virgin media as my broadband supplier at the same time.
    Will enjoy my two fingered goodbye to this pair of rip-off merchants

  3. I can remember, many years ago, a discussion on a radio phone in about the harassment of those without a television by the TV licencing authorities. Back then pretty much everyone had a telly, those few eccentrics who didn’t were just assumed to be lying and were treated accordingly. Nowadays, with there being so many different kinds of media, it is no longer a given that people will have a television. The TV licence has really been an anachronism since digital multi channel television has been available and really is impossible to justify now, yet here we are.

  4. 20+ years BBC free!

    If ever I visit somebody that has it on I want to throw my shoe at the tellybox within minutes…

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