And So It Starts

Don’t you just love their arrogant tone? “Act now to avoid breaking the law.” I am not breaking the law and I don’t need to act. So, they can fuck themselves in the arse and the eye. That the premises is unlicensed is neither here, nor there. I don’t have a Netflix subscription either and they aren’t threatening to send the boys round. I don’t need a licence. I don’t need to tell them and I don’t plan to. If they do send the boys round, they will be sent packing.


  1. When they spell it out like that it really highlights how completely bizarre the TV licence is in this day and age. When the BBC was the sole provider of TV broadcasts it maybe made some kind of sense but now it is completely ridiculous that you can’t watch Sky, Netflix, or any other provider without the BBC getting a cut.

  2. I had one of them today, said I hadn’t replied to their communication, I had an odd email so blocked it, perhaps it wasn’t a scam. As I don’t have a TV, my circumstances haven’t changed, why tell them. I’ll tell them when my circumstances change. Shouldn’t waste their money sending out letters.

  3. You should be getting this arsewipe about once a month. I have since I cancelled, coming up to two years ago now.

    Fuck them and the pre-pubescent horse they ride all day!

    Don’t respond in any way to any communication, and if an “officer” turns up just shut the door and don’t let them in or talk to to them in any way. If that is your response, there is FUCK ALL they can do.

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