Rules for thee, but not for me.
Public sector workers will be spared a massive £15billion national insurance raid in the Budget, it was revealed today.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is planning a huge move to impose NICs on employers’ contributions to retirement funds in the crucial package next Wednesday – despite complaints it is a ‘straightforward breach’ of Labour‘s manifesto.
However, it the burden will seemingly be borne entirely by the private sector, with Ms Reeves pumping an extra £5billion into NHS and other budgets to avoid cuts to headcount or wages.
I knew this Labour administration would be bad. However, the level of spitefulness surpasses even the Blair/Brown years. And as for making pips squeak – Denis Healy wasn’t imagining ordinary working people, even if that is the logical outcome. This lot aren’t even pretending to care. They hate us and the feeling is mutual.
“This lot aren’t even pretending to care. They hate us and the feeling is mutual.”
Unfortunately there are some who continue to slurp from the propaganda hosepipe and still support them.
The trouble is that once 50% + 1 people derive their living (either as a job or from “benefits”) then it is a tipping point and they will always vote for MOAR government and even MOAR money from that source.
Importing lots of people who are solely dependent on the government largesse has tipped the balance (more government workers to administer them) and the UK is Donald Ducked.
This government doesn’t seem to have any clue at all about how to run a country. They’re just floudering along with one daft and unworkable proposal after another. Every one of them. While keeping their eyes and ears shut to any sensible criticism
Sensible criticism is ‘far right.’
I love the messaging around this – it isn’t that the government are exempting the public sector, just extracting more from the private sector to cover the increased costs of NI in the public sector.
The sad thing is, that the useless electorate we have will either, not care because they are net beneficiaries of the state, or can’t be bothered to take interest in how the country is being destroyed and vote for someone other than Continuity WEF.