
We are supposed to care that invaders will drown in the Channel.

More than 500 people who were likely trying to cross the English Channel from Calais are feared to be in danger.

French-based organisation Utopia56 has claimed that at least 10 overloaded boats have been in the Channel for hours.

The Calais team, the organisation said in a message on X, received 10 distress calls at sea in the early hours of October 24.

The message read: “At least ten overloaded boats are currently in danger in the English Channel. Since 2am, the Calais team has received ten distress calls at sea, involving over 500 people.

Actions, meet consequences. Everyone aboard is a volunteer. It’s on them. I’m waaaay past caring if they drown, frankly. We didn’t create this problem and we are not responsible for the outcomes. Our government could stop this. The Aussies did it with the Vietnamese boat people thirty years ago. Fuck the ECHR and ‘international law.’ Just get on and do it.

  • Offshore all claimants upon arrival.
  • Refuse any and all asylum claims from anyone entering the country illegally.
  • Deport immediately anyone who arrives illegally.

I’m aware that some people claim that there is a problem with deporting – we don’t have an agreement with France and the illegals hide their real country of origin. However, it shouldn’t be beyond the wit of man to simply turn the boats back to the French shore or to determine which hell hole these people came from when they get here and put them on a one way flight as soon as their feet touch the sand at Dover or Folkestone.

It won’t need to happen for very long, once people get the message that they aren’t staying and they aren’t getting asylum the market will dry up.


  1. I wonder how many of them are “babies”?

    Like you, equally weary of it, don’t care don’t want to pay for it anymore, wish our government would grow a pair….

  2. Our government wants them here.
    It’s the only explanation why it hasn’t been stopped yet.
    As to why they want them here…
    Pick your conspiracy theory or reason of choice (maybe all of them).
    Hopefully when the economy collapses, they’ll fuck off right back to where they came from. Once the freebies stop because the government has gone bankrupt, they won’t want to stay.

  3. Find myself wondering if I am a really bad person for not caring about stories like this but……..
    Why should I care.
    No-one invited these people, no-one gave them permission and in most cases they are not fleeing anything which would make them genuine refugees or have anything to offer this country.
    They have somehow decided they are entitled to turn up with their hands out and we are supposed to treat them like royalty.
    In short they are taking the piss and whatever happens is of their own doing so no, l’m not a bad person.
    Fuck ’em. I don’t care

  4. They can stay in the channel as long as they want, preferably on the bottom of it.

    I wouldn’t even pick up bodies.

    Either the fish and shitehawks will do the honours, or the currents will take them back.

    As Scrooge would say “at no cost to us”

  5. Easy to find out where they come from, offer them three options of where they want to be returned to. If it’s worse than there own country they’ll own up, if it isn’t they’ll accept one of the others. Could always deport them to the nearest safe country next to theirs. That is all people have to do if they are fleeing tyranny. Of course all these young men could help fight against the tyranny and make their country safe.
    We are in an area where we do not see many ethnic people, ones we do see are ok. Suddenly we’re seeing a lot of groups of youngish foreign men, hanging around talking in their language, several people have told me they don’t feel safe anymore.

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