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Kilroy Was ‘Ere

February 3, 2005 2

So Kilroy finally ditched the odious little Englander party UKIP. Now he has set up his own version Veritas. He chose this name because it […]

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Blunkett Goes

December 20, 2004 1

David Blunkett finally succumbed to the inevitable this evening and resigned. So departs one of the worst Home Secretaries in living memory. For those of […]

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More on George Galloway

December 6, 2004 4

It seems that George Galloway is busy enjoying the Telegraph’s discomfiture. And, going by this article, so is the Sunday Times. Clearly this newspaper doesn’t […]

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After Galloway…

December 5, 2004 2

I’ve been waiting for the Telegraph’s response to its humiliating defeat in the libel case brought by George Galloway. In their leader today they reassert […]

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Blunkett’s Career in the Balance?

November 29, 2004 0

According to today’s headlines Blunkett’s personal life may spill into his professional one. While I have always taken the line that the two should always […]

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Queen’s Speech

November 23, 2004 0

Today is the State Opening of Parliament. The Queen’s Speech, likely to be the last before an election, outlines HMG’s planned round of legislation during […]

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Kerry Won?

November 15, 2004 0

According to Greg Palast the US voting card system failed them again this time around. I’m amazed that such a flaky system exists. Thousands of […]

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Big Blunkett’s Lies Again

November 14, 2004 0

According to Big Blunkett, Al-Qaeda is on our doorsteps. Only yesterday this knee-jerk authoritarian was telling us that we should be concentrating on hope leading […]

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Boris in Trouble Again

November 14, 2004 0

Boris Johnson is in the mire once more. Only a couple of weeks after his Liverpool fiasco, Boris has been removed from the Tory front […]