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Yeah, But, No, But…

November 23, 2018 Longrider 3

The UAE does not operate a competent justice system. In criticising the British government for not doing enough to help her husband, the academic Matthew Hedges, […]

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Gender neutral God

November 22, 2018 Longrider 13

Well this is amusing… No one has ever seen God,” wrote the apostle John. Which is strange, because we all know what God looks like. God […]

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We Need More Like This

November 15, 2018 Longrider 14

An apostate. Zayn Malik has confirmed he no longer identifies as Muslim in a new interview. Speaking to British Vogue, the former One Direction singer, 25, said he is […]

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Render Unto Caesar

September 5, 2018 Longrider 17

Justin Welby really should stick to talking to his imaginary friend. Yes, really. Wealthy families should pay more tax to help the poor, the Archbishop […]

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September 4, 2018 Longrider 7

I find myself both agreeing and disagreeing with Rachel Johnson. Where I agree is fairly straightforward, it is that the full veil is offensive in […]

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Stopped Clocks

August 28, 2018 Longrider 6

Even Polly can get it right – sort of – sometimes. The culture of respect for religion has gone too far Most of the article […]

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Boris Under Seige

August 9, 2018 Longrider 10

What a world we live in. Boris Johnson has said nothing that could – in any sane world – be considered controversial. Yet the offendatrons […]

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Maybot Condemned

August 7, 2018 Longrider 2

Maybot is condemned for something that doesn’t exist. Theresa May has been accused of staying silent on Islamophobia in the Tory party after failing to criticise Boris Johnson for suggesting […]