Stopped Clocks

Even Polly can get it right – sort of – sometimes.

The culture of respect for religion has gone too far

Most of the article is an anti-Catholic diatribe and an attack in religious schools, while touching on recent abuses by other religions almost as an aside. So maybe not really that right, just the headline writer accidentally hitting the target. The headline though is pretty much spot on. No religion is deserving of respect. Sure, one may ask that we respect someone’s right to practice their religion – and providing is does no harm, why not? However, the absurdity of religion itself is not deserving of respect. And, allowing us to ridicule religious belief with impunity is a part of free speech, pricking the pomposity of the devout.

So, when do we get the freedom to ridicule and mock the RoP with impunity as we are allowed to do with the Catholic Church? After all, a recent comment about letter boxes brought about universal condemnation from the usual suspects.


  1. when do we get the freedom to ridicule and mock the RoP with impunity as we are allowed to do with the Catholic Church?

    Good question and one Tommy R is jailed for raising. Until our politicians grow a pair and fight back instead of Fearfully appeasing nothing will change.

    RoP coverups? Try this:

    Gov’t is scared of RoP, but will not defeat as scared of SJW MSM too. We need strong Gov’t.

  2. Wherever religions hold sway, LGBT people are persecuted and women subjugated, Islamophobia and antisemitism flourish.

    She snuck in so-called Islamaphobia clearly for political reasons as it is hardly true. There are very tiny numbers of Muslims in South and Central America so all the devout Catholics over there are unlikely to bump into one let alone abuse them in any way.

    I think it is fair to say that many who despise Islam for the evil cult that it is are non-believers, hating Islam not because it is a rival religion, but because it brings nothing but misery to communities it infests.

    • deriding religion achieves little.
      Human History shows the innate need for some religion. Especially when things go wrong. A la ” there are no atheists in foxholes”

      • Human history shows the desire for people to understand their surroundings. In the absence of scientific knowledge, people developed the notion of a supreme being. Belief in this god can only be perpetuated in an environment of ignorance. Where religious belief is harmless, leaving people in their blissful state of ignorance is fine, but where religious belief is harmful due to the ‘demands’ made by a particular god, it is necessary to undermine the beliefs. Ridicule is a far more effective weapon than reason when dealing with beliefs which are a matter of faith rather than reason.

        Islam will only cease to be a threat and a pernicious influence on civilised society when its adherents stop believing that there ever was a god who spoke to Mohammed and realise that it was all a concoction of his manipulating mind.

  3. I have faced death a couple of times in my life. Once when a truck started to pull out in front of my motorbike. There was no exit routes and I really thought that I was a gonner. At the last moment, the driver saw me and stopped leaving me just enough space to go around. More recently I have had some kind of heart problem. It seems now that it is nothing serious but initially I didn’t know that and was having to consider the possibility of a shortened life. At no time did I ever become remotely interested in becoming religious.

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