Maybot Condemned

Maybot is condemned for something that doesn’t exist.

Theresa May has been accused of staying silent on Islamophobia in the Tory party after failing to criticise Boris Johnson for suggesting women wearing niqabs resemble “letter boxes” and “bank robbers”.

The prime minister has been urged to end her silence over the controversial article penned by the man who was her foreign secretary until a few weeks ago.

So she hasn’t joined in with the cries of “witch!” Well, that’s to her credit and there isn’t much of that to go around. Johnson is not guilty of Islamophobia because there is no such thing. His comments were reasonable and will reflect with the population at large. The London-centric liberal elite is not the country at large and screeching harridans (yes, I do mean that – Ed) such as David Lammy, are symptomatic of a vocal minority of extremists who would suck up to any nasty group providing they are the enemy of the Tories – oh, and it gets their name in the papers.

May is guilty of heresy – or at least, guilty of not rounding up and burning the heretics in her midst. Not sucking up to Islam is the new heresy these days. So, actually, she is right to remain silent. She would more right if she roundly condemned the screeching SJWs and told them to sod off.

Tell MAMA – an organisation which records anti-Muslim hate – also protested that “absolutely nothing” had happened since the Conservative party chairman vowed to act on Islamophobia two months ago.

Tell MAMA can go royally fuck themselves too. Islam is a nasty, evil death cult. Saying that is perfectly legitimate in a free society that respects both freedom of speech and the rule of law – neither of which are valued in Islam. This is a cult that spread through violence and hatred of the other. Those outside of this medieval cult are looked upon as beneath the believer, the Kuffir. Hatred of such an alien culture and belief system – not to mention the incompetent and vile Sharia legal system – is perfectly reasonable and rational to anyone brought up with enlightened western values. Unless you are a treacherous SJW, of course.

Mr Johnson has been widely condemned for the article – in which he said it was “absolutely ridiculous” that people should “choose to go around looking like letter boxes” – but No 10 declined to comment

Johnson is perfectly correct here as I stated yesterday when discussing his article. Why should No 10 comment? He is writing in a private capacity as a newspaper columnist.

Fiyaz Mughal, Tell MAMA’s founder (another fake charity set up with our money. Supposedly now defunded – Ed), said: “There should have been some response from Downing Street distancing themselves from these comments.

“That was the first thing that should have been done, we are still waiting for that. It sends out a signal, sadly, to Muslim communities sadly that their worries are not taken into account.”

Arrogant, self-righteous prick! How dare he assume that our government respond because he demands it. Who the fuck does he think he is? And so what if it does send out a signal. Maybe they should send one out – integrate into our society, accept our laws and customs or go forth and multiply somewhere else and take your medieval third-world ideas with you.

Asked if it amounted to Islamophobia, Mr Mughal told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Clearly it does. These are the kind of comments we have seen made by extremist far right groups and people who have been maliciously attacking Muslims.”

Bollocks. A phobia is a clinical condition. A dislike of Islam is not. Not even an extreme dislike. Saying you dislike it – pointing out how vile it is – is not a phobia, it its the rational response you would expect of anyone who has lived in a civilised society and is exposed to the backward, misogynistic, intolerant, medieval belief system of Islam. As for the attacks – well, just how many “far right” suicide bombers have we seen lately? Okay, okay, I know it’s a tu quoque, but relevant here.

Alistair Burt, a Foreign Office minister, did criticise his former boss, saying: “I would never have made such a comment – I think there’s a degree of offence in that, absolutely right.”

Yes? And? So? No one has the right not to be offended. If they are offended by his comments, then they need to be offended good and hard on a regular basis until they grow a thicker skin. Free speech, if it is to mean anything, is to include the right to offend.

Mr Mughal condemned the “sheer flippancy” of Mr Johnson’s comments – at a time of “the highest number of anti-Muslim hate incidents since we started seven years ago”.

Then you clearly don’t read much of his writing. Flippancy is what he does. Get over yourself.

Mr Johnson’s article, for The Daily Telegraph, came after Denmark imposed fines for wearing the religious headgear in the streets, which he described as “oppressive”.

The other half of the equation that the rent-a-gob crowd at Tell MAMA conveniently choose to ignore. Quelle surprise.

For more on the egregious Tell MAMA. See here. Likely as not, the above would count as an anti-Islam hate incident. Which, I suppose it is… However, I’ve not caused harm to anyone, nor have I engaged in incitement to cause harm. I have merely exercised my right to free speech. This is what Tell MAMA is using to justify recording “Islamophobic incidents”.


  1. May caves – surprise? No, she always does.

    Mocking an item of clothing, which does make wearer look like a Letter Box or Dalek, is racist?

    Agree with Nigel – May is a surrender monkey, Lammy is a histrionic monkey, Shah is a racist monkey.

    Coming soon – May: I will pass a law making mocking/insulting being a letter box an agravated hate crime

    Sky News anchor Kay Burley has drawn heavy criticism after comparing the barrier the Islamic burqa puts between wearers and society at large to the facial burns of a famous war hero.

    Kay Burley revealed her SJW bias: anti British Christian conservative

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