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Er, What?

March 27, 2017 Longrider 9

Jihadi violence is a new phenomenon. Let’s assume for a moment, then, that Islam is especially predisposed towards violence. If that’s your view, then you’ll […]

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So What is it Then?

March 23, 2017 Longrider 7

The Prime Minister has said it is “wrong” to describe the terror attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament on Wednesday as “Islamic terrorism”. Sigh… Here […]

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February 5, 2017 Longrider 4

Easy question to answer. Non-Muslims will have the chance to visit their local mosques on Sunday as more than 150 offer people the opportunity to […]

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Oh, Dear,

December 4, 2016 Longrider 9

Sense of humour failure all round. A Christmas-themed board game in which Santa and Jesus “go-head-to-head” has been dubbed “shocking and blasphemous” with calls for […]

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Oh, Get Over Yourselves.

November 27, 2016 Longrider 5

The Church is getting all peevish at the thought of cinemas opening on Christmas Day. Andrea Minichiello Williams, a member of the Church’s ‘parliament’, the […]

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Luke 15:7

November 19, 2016 Longrider 3

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which […]

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Don’t Go

November 17, 2016 Longrider 4

To Islamic shitholes. A UK-based charity has warned that British tourists and expats in Dubai and across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) should not report incidents […]

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Hemp Shares to go up?

November 6, 2016 Longrider 0

I’m with Timmy here – there ain’t enough rope. A married couple has been barred from adopting their two young foster children after saying a […]

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In Which I Agree

November 2, 2016 Longrider 8

With Marina Hyde… News that gymnast Louis Smith has been suspended by his governing bodyfor mocking Islam is so 2016. I don’t want to bang […]

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Good Luck With That

October 26, 2016 Longrider 12

The Vatican is pissing in the wind. Ashes of cremated Catholics can no longer be kept at home, scattered, or divided among family members, the […]