Don’t Go

To Islamic shitholes.

A UK-based charity has warned that British tourists and expats in Dubai and across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) should not report incidents of rape after a woman who was allegedly gang raped was arrested and charged with “extramarital sex”.

Detained in Dubai, an organisation that assists people who have become victims of injustice in the UAE, has warned against reporting rape or other crimes in the country because of the “manipulation when it comes to criminal accusations” and the “racist” preconceptions held against Western tourists.

Sigh… Islamic theocracies are regressive, medieval, primitive cess-pits where civilised behaviour and a competent legal system simply does not apply. A few fancy skyscrapers does not civilisation make. So why go there? On balance, this charity is offering sound advice – if you are unfortunate enough to be raped, then don’t expect any help from the authorities. This is the barbaric Sharia legal system (and I hesitate to use Sharia and legal system in the same sentence) we are dealing with here and the victim is definitely to blame. Ah, yeah, victim blaming… How does that go down with the left these days?

But, on balance, simply do not go there in the first place.


  1. Really can’t add anything to that, agree totally. Am prepared to transit through these repulsive, odious shitholes for convenience, but would never leave the airport. Your wife, children and pet goat are not safe.

    • That was one of PedoMo’s intentions when he made up his evil cult. Islam is a rapists paradise, of non-Muslim women and girls, and little boys and we’ve imported that brutal, barbaric cult into the West.

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