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Sonnet for the Free

April 2, 2006 Longrider 1

Our democracy is but a century young;In this our supposèd land for the free.Yet now our liberty dies ere it’s begun.Killed by those who launder our diction’ry. Our ID belongs to […]

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ID Theft

April 1, 2006 2

Just as the ID Cards bill becomes the Identity Cards Act 2006, a story appears in the Grauniad. I’m not sure if this is fortuitous […]

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A couple of Quotes

March 30, 2006 3

From “Duncan S” on the NO2ID forum, a variation on Pastor Martin Niemöller’s well known piece: First they banned hunting, but I said nothing because […]

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Early Passport Renewal

March 30, 2006 1

If you want to avoid being registered on the National Identity Register during the “voluntary” phase, then you will need to avoid having to renew […]

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A Battle Lost…

March 29, 2006 3

Well, the Lords finally capitulated: The battle over the government’s controversial ID Cards Bill has ended after peers accepted a compromise deal. No, it is […]

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Lucky Toad

March 29, 2006 1

Looks like Mr Toad got lucky after all.

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Lies, Lies, Lies and more Lies

March 29, 2006 0

Here’s a little intellectual exercise for you. It’s not too onerous. This, first, from yesterday’s Grauniad following the fifth defeat of the ID cards bill in […]

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Signs of Spring

March 28, 2006 1

We’ve had a few warmer days of late. The daffodils are out and the crocuses are almost gone. The pond is full of frog spawn […]

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More From Henry Porter

March 28, 2006 0

Via the NO2ID newsblog; this from Henry Porter writing on the Grauniad’s comment is free: You can well imagine the army of snoopers, informers and […]