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Pace Drivers

January 27, 2006 2

Something I noticed in the news the other day and was reminded of by Paul was this little gem. Road chiefs are recruiting “pace” drivers […]

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Work Makes You Free

January 24, 2006 2

There’s been much talk this past couple of days about the Department of Work and Pensions green paper on incapacity benefit. First we are told […]

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PSP Universe Update

January 24, 2006 0

Just received the following comment on PSP Universe from someone called Ed: “Just a note, the phone number that people have been calling to get […]

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Anne Widdecombe on ID Cards

January 23, 2006 1

While on the subject of ID Cards and their well deserved thrashing in the lords, I thought I’d share this little gem found over at […]

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Mark Oaten

January 22, 2006 1

Shortly after announcing that he was running for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats, Mark Oaten was interviewed on Jeremy Vine’s lunchtime show. The question, […]

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Civil Liberties

January 21, 2006 1

I see Neu Labour apologist Neil Harding is traffic whoring again. “Curtailment of liberties can sometimes be a good thing. For example curtailing the liberty […]

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The Lord Chancellor and ID Cards

January 21, 2006 1

I really shouldn’t go surfing so early on a Saturday morning, really I shouldn’t. Via The Current Outlook comes this story. The Lord Chancellor has […]

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Vive La France 2006

January 20, 2006 0

Review of Vive La France 2006Once again, France visits the heart of London for the Vive La France exhibition at Olympia. Once again, Mrs Longrider […]