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Civil Servants Beware

December 1, 2004 0

Over at Spyblog, there is a question posed about penalties in the ID Cards Bill. The question being, what happens if a civil servant or […]

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The ID Cards Bill

December 1, 2004 2

Just so’s you are aware of what Big Blunkett wants to keep on file. Here’s a link to the Bill. Schedule 1 has all the […]

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Muriel Gray on ID Cards

November 30, 2004 2

This article by Muriel Gray is succinct and insightful. In it she makes a simple argument against ID cards that outlines why ordinary people will […]

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Internet Diallers

November 29, 2004 0

The BBC’s Breakfast Programme had a piece on internet fraud this morning. In particular was the vexed question of rogue diallers. Those little Active X […]

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Blunkett’s Career in the Balance?

November 29, 2004 0

According to today’s headlines Blunkett’s personal life may spill into his professional one. While I have always taken the line that the two should always […]

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Isaac Newton and the Catflap

November 28, 2004 2

I was watching an interesting programme on the history channel this morning over breakfast – Local Heroes. According to Adam Hart-Davis, Isaac Newton became distracted […]

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Travel Horror Stories

November 28, 2004 1

I’ve done a little travelling in my time. Confined to continental Europe, mostly it has been with my wife and a motorcycle. Although occasionally the […]