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Virgin Mary Toast

November 26, 2004 1

Sometimes, you come across a story that makes you take a couple of steps back in amazement. This is one of them. A piece of […]

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Reform Poll on Liberty

November 25, 2004 0

According to Reform the overwhelming majority of Britons – some 71% of us – believe that HMG is introducing too much legislation that infringes personal […]

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What a Way to Go

November 24, 2004 0

I grew up in the back of a sidecar. My earliest childhood memories consist of peering out through a fugged-up perspex window at my father […]

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Firefox Competes with MSIE

November 24, 2004 0

Firefox Version 1.0 is doing well with more than 5 million copies downloaded since its release. I said before that it is a good browser […]

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Huge Sauropod

November 23, 2004 2

Fossilised remains of a large sauropod have been discovered on the Isle of Wight. Well, the neck bone of one, anyway. Reckoned to be between […]

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Canary Warf “Attack Foiled”

November 23, 2004 0

This piece of utter bollocks is typical of that little englander rag, the Daily Mail. Not covered anywhere else, and with no provenance other than […]

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Queen’s Speech

November 23, 2004 0

Today is the State Opening of Parliament. The Queen’s Speech, likely to be the last before an election, outlines HMG’s planned round of legislation during […]

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It’s a Ginger Thing…

November 21, 2004 0

I was talking to my sister on the phone today and we got to talking about Penfold and other cats we’d lost over the years. […]