Canary Warf “Attack Foiled”

This piece of utter bollocks is typical of that little englander rag, the Daily Mail. Not covered anywhere else, and with no provenance other than "an authoritative source", this is a blatant piece of scare mongering for no other reason that to sell more copies of this despicable little paper.

According to the piece; There were no details of when or where the plot was uncovered, or how close the fanatics were to success. That’s because there wasn’t one, perhaps?

And Downing Street, the Home Office and the Metropolitan Police declined to comment on the reports. Because, perhaps, they knew nothing about it because there wasn’t one?

This is gutter journalism at its absolute worst – scare mongering (oh, yeah, I mentioned that already) and blatant fiction to sell a story. What happened to integrity, honesty and truthfulness? Oh, silly me – we’re talking about tabloid journalists here, what am I thinking?

Of course, for Big Blunkett, this is well timed as he puts his latest autocratic agenda through the Queen’s Speech today.

Then again, there is the little matter of crying "wolf" just once too often.