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Unexpected Bonus

August 7, 2024 Longrider 9

Useless Yousef thinks he might leave the UK. Humza Yousaf has said he may be forced to leave the UK because of far-right riots. The former […]

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Bit Academic

August 7, 2019 Longrider 7

I’m sure Boris has no plans to join the police anyway. Boris Johnson would be barred from joining the police because of his remarks describing black […]

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Old Tropes

June 28, 2019 Longrider 6

Don’t die, nor do they fade away, it seems. Members of the Conservative party believe in deeply Islamophobic myths, taint the entire Muslim community with […]

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August 11, 2018 Longrider 11

First noticed here. The term Islamofauxbia needs to be used more often. If the progressives can make up words, why can’t we?  

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Boris Under Seige

August 9, 2018 Longrider 10

What a world we live in. Boris Johnson has said nothing that could – in any sane world – be considered controversial. Yet the offendatrons […]

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Maybot Condemned

August 7, 2018 Longrider 2

Maybot is condemned for something that doesn’t exist. Theresa May has been accused of staying silent on Islamophobia in the Tory party after failing to criticise Boris Johnson for suggesting […]

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August 6, 2018 Longrider 16

Fury? Really? Boris Johnson has sparked fury after saying that women who wear burkas and niqabs look like ‘bank robbers’ and ‘letterboxes’. The former Foreign Secretary […]

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No, It Isn’t

November 14, 2017 Longrider 6

Islamophobia again… Let’s be clear: Muslims are neither good nor bad. We’re just human Here we go again… There is no such thing as Islamophobia. […]

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Here We Go Again…

June 20, 2017 Longrider 9

Bullshit on steroids. Theresa May’s Downing Street declaration that the Finsbury Park terrorist attack was “every bit as sickening” as Manchester and London Bridge and description of […]

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At Which Point…

July 13, 2016 Longrider 12

I stopped reading…. As a British Muslim, I’m terrified that Theresa May – winner of 2015’s Islamophobe of the Year – is my new Prime […]