
Apples and Oranges
Marina Hyde in the Guardian. Women killed: 118. Statues ‘killed’: 1. So guess which is the national priority? The whole article is the usual misleading […]

Sexist Claptrap
So the idiot Baroness Jones is doubling down on her insane and frankly nasty misandrist remarks. A Green Party peer has defended calling for a […]

Some Common Sense
From Janet Street Porter. Following a murder such as has happened to Sarah Everard, emotions run high. I recall a similar moral panic a decade […]

First Dog on the Moon Claptrap
This cartoon in the Grauniad (where else? Ed) seeks yet again to engage in the usual misandry that disreputable organ is renowned for. Apparently old […]

A War on Women?
This is Julie Bindel we are talking about, so everything is viewed through a filter of misandry. In this case, murder stats. And according to […]

Bollocks of the Day
This pile of arse wibble. Making misandry a hate crime will embolden abusive men Actually, I agree, misandry should not enter the statute books, but […]

Because We are Not…
Culpable. But in general, most men have yet to stand up en masse with a mea culpa, and become active allies rather than passive participants. […]

Speak For Yourself
Jonathan Freedland tries some guilt tripping and expects the rest of us to join him. There’s nothing wrong with admitting uncertainty – and I suspect most […]

The Biter Bit
Sometimes we see schadenfreude and it is nice to quietly enjoy it. Over the past few decades, we have observed the free speech principle eroded by […]