Speak For Yourself

Jonathan Freedland tries some guilt tripping and expects the rest of us to join him.

There’s nothing wrong with admitting uncertainty – and I suspect most of us have been interrogating our own past or present conduct in the workplace, wondering if we’ve been getting it wrong.

Nope. Because I am not a sex pest. I have never groped anyone. This problem is one of power – the media, the luvvies and politicians who think they are above the ordinary behavioural norms that govern the rest of we mortals. Do not presume to include the rest of us in your grubby little guilt trip. I am not guilty and I’ll be damned if I accept it by association, for I am nothing like you and I deplore everything you represent. I refuse to wring my hands and I’m certainly not going to rake over my past looking for indiscretions because there aren’t any, so fuck off.

We all need to make that effort, and to make it in good faith.

See above. With knobs on.


  1. This problem is one of power – the media, the luvvies and politicians who think they are above the ordinary behavioural norms that govern the rest of we mortals. Do not presume to include the rest of us in your grubby little guilt trip.


    It seems most of the entitled sex predators are lefties, although you wouldn’t know thhat from BBC where Fallon was wall to wall coverage.

    Left: equality of outcome – all women are equal and thus sluts who pleasure us.

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