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We Are Many

July 17, 2024 Longrider 5

They are few. There was joy in Wales as theLabourgovernment scrapped its blanket 20mph speed limits just a year after they were introduced.    Wales’ Transport Secretary Ken […]

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Make It So

February 6, 2024 Longrider 11

Just like that. Ministers need to intervene to boost the secondhand electric vehicle market and allay “uncertainty and concerns” over the health of their batteries, […]

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January 31, 2024 Longrider 10

The trap just sprung. Electric vehicle owners in central London are set to be charged extra to park under new rules being brought in by […]

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Here We Go

March 27, 2023 Longrider 15

The cracks are starting to appear. Germany and the European Union announced on Saturday an agreement in the dispute over the future of cars with […]

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November 27, 2022 Longrider 10

The other day I had a student who is a signaller in the south Wales area, so we had some mutual acquaintances, names from the […]

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Re Cycling Responsibly

August 7, 2022 Longrider 32

What’s good for the goose and all that… Cyclists who kill pedestrians could be prosecuted in the same way as motorists under a proposed government […]

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It Isn’t

June 27, 2022 Longrider 10

Dominic Lawson asks the question. If working on the railways is so awful, how come so many people want to do it? At the risk […]