
It seems that teenagers are increasingly regarding themselves as hardcore greens:

A recent survey by the Future Foundation found that 20 per cent of the teenagers questioned saw themselves as “hardcore greens”. With climate change centre stage and eco-living no longer a fringe issue, it has become acceptable for teenagers to promote green matters both in and out of school.

Mrs Longrider and I do not have children. If we had, they would have been encouraged to ask awkward questions, to challenge and test hypotheses before blindly accepting hysterical hyperbole presented as fact. Chances are, we would have become so disillusioned with the state propaganda machine schooling system that we would have become home educators, but that’s another matter.

Any teen who tries nagging me about eco-matters will at best have their cherished illusions about global warming severely challenged and at worst will be in receipt of some suitably scathing invective about minding their own business. It’s just a shame we cannot deliver a swift kick up the arse to drive the point home that nags are not appreciated.


  1. Nicely put LR. Both my brood get their assertions rigorously challenged, and are actively encouraged to do likewise. The hardest part of the equation lies in teaching kids to think and imbuing them with sound critical faculties. If that particular nut can be cracked, all else follows.

    Mac the Knife’s last blog post..Just about right…

  2. These MMGW nutters are as deluded as the vested interests in the property market.

    The former come out with bizarre statistics like “The Met Office predicts that 2008 will be around 0.4C warmer than the average for 1961 – 1990″ (in yesterday’s Daily mail, can’t find that bit online) and the latter are saying ‘Ah yes, but house prices are still higher than a year ago, in the long term, prices are going up”.

    In a year or two, the MMGW nutters will be saying “Ah yes, but it’s still warmer than the period 1860 – 1870” and the VI’s will be saying “Ah yes but hosue prices are still higher than in 1998” but hopefully nobody will be listening any more.

    Mark Wadsworth’s last blog post..Global cooling!

  3. This teen thinks greenies are a bunch of complete cunts. I don’t like being lectured to by anyone; first person that tries will be on the receiving end of my tongue.

    Fucking greenies, fuck off.

  4. Thank you Paul. There are always plenty of people belonging to the ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ tendency and there always will be, so it’s refreshing to encounter someone who can think for himself. Go to it, and we’ll all fuck the greenies off!

    Mac the Knife’s last blog post..Just about right…

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