Backlash Over 42 Day Detention

I do wonder sometimes about the politicians in power – do they presume that our memories are so short that we cannot recall recent history?

Jacqui Smith; an over promoted incompetent, tells the News of the World today that the threat against us is increasing – to such an extent that we “need” 42 days detention without trial for terror suspects:

Ms Smith said: “We now face a threat level that is severe. It’s not getting any less, it’s actually growing.”

“There are 2,000 individuals they are monitoring. There are 200 networks. There are 30 active plots”

Maybe so, maybe not. Unfortunately all we have in the way of evidence for this is Ms Smith’s word and that, frankly, ain’t worth spit. She is a politician and politicians are unscrupulous liars who will whip up a threat at the slightest excuse in order to grab yet more power and reduce our liberties further still.

If, indeed, there is a threat, then it is reasonable for the intelligence services to monitor any suspects and once they have sufficient evidence, to arrest and charge them. If Ms Smith wishes to make life easier for the intelligence services, she could consider legislation to allow the use of intercept evidence in court. Locking people up without trial for 42 days is not an appropriate method of dealing with a threat – a threat that so far appears to be somewhat illusory.

Now, the IRA campaign was a threat; a threat we dealt with stoically. A threat that nearly wiped out the government of the day. When faced with such a threat we do not give up our liberty, we face the enemy and raise two defiant fingers in the air – we stand by the values that they hate so much. We do not, as our cowardly government wants us to do, roll over and submit.

Jacqui Smith is like the rest of her disreputable colleagues; a traitor to this nation.

Fortunately, there may be a back-bench rebellion in the offing. Hopefully, parliament will see off this gross invasion of our liberties. And, hopefully, it will destroy what little semblance of credibility that incapability Brown still has.

Government plans to extend the limit to hold terror suspects without charge to 42 days are facing mounting criticism from both opposition and Labour MPs.

Keith Vaz, Labour chairman of the Commons home affairs committee, said ministers did not have enough support in parliament to carry the plans.

Jolly good. Can we have an election, please? Can we get rid of this traitorous government? If we can’t have an election, what about a revolution? Does B&Q supply lengths of hempen rope?

1 Comment

  1. Let us not forget that the initial “request” was for 90 days, so they settled for 28 because that was all that Parliament would give them. Now they are back for whatever they can get this time. They will have their 90 days before the next election. Even if it is held on time.

    It really doesn’t matter what we are afraid of, so long as the government has made us afraid they can have what they want. They’ve been treating 1984 like a text book for quite a while now. Do you think that they have been having private tutorials from one Mr Robert Mugabe Esq.?

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