More Delusions (of Adequacy)

In response to Lord Desai (who seems to be alone among Labour parliamentarians in seeing just which way the wind is blowing), John Prescott says that we (well, they, actually) should get behind the battered prime minister:

This man has got a record to show how he can improve it [the country]

They keep saying that. Presumably this is on planet Zog or some sort of parallel universe – it sure ain’t this one. Or what about this little peach:

But former deputy prime minister John Prescott defended Mr Brown, saying he was the “one man in our whole system” who could solve Britain’s problems.

That has to be the worst example of denial I’ve seen in a decade.


  1. That Brown can solve Britain’s problems? Yes, Prescott’s wrong, and sums up the Labour party’s hubris at the same time.

    I agree that it’s unlikely anyone will want the poisoned chalice. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t more capable than Brown, just that they would, quite reasonably, not want to be at the helm when the ship goes down. So when Prescott talks about the one man in the system, really he is talking about the man stuck with it, not the man or woman best able. If he really thinks that Brown is the best able, my accusation of denial is a just one. If he is right, then they really don’t have anything to offer, do they?

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