More Climate Bollocks

Mark Lynas is on a roll. Since this silly story hit the news yesterday, he feels sufficiently vindicated that he engages in yet another “we’re all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!” polemic.

What strikes me when reading this stuff is that the comments are becoming increasingly sceptical and more vigorously hostile when telling these modern doom-sayers to fuck off. This, for an example by someone calling themselves Irresistance:

I am getting really sick and tired of this incessant barrage of “We’re all gonna die and its inevitable” crap about climate change. Like – really, let it go. Human nature is such that we will NOT act in any kind of way that comes anywhere near what is required to stop this alleged disaster.

Indeed so. Despite the general moves by businesses to jump on a bandwagon and ram this stuff down our throats; “buy our widgets and reduce your carbon footprint!” Thereby ensuring that I won’t buy their widgets – but that’s another story; people are starting to show real signs of irritation at the hectoring, the lecturing, the holier-than-thou finger wagging and, yes, the Mark Lynas style doomsday predictions. And all this nonsense on the basis of computer modelling. Frankly, I’m surprised that we don’t use Grand Theft Auto to predict traffic flows – after all, it works for climate change…

Oh, yes, and the commenters were quick to point out that Lynas’ desire for zero CO2 emissions would have an entirely unexpected consequence. Entirely unexpected if you are an ignorant fuckwit like Lynas, that is. The rest of us figured it out straight away.

The more these charlatans pontificate, the more people are seeing through them. Bring it on, say I, bring it on.


  1. Er… yes, we are going to die. But until that day comes I’m going to spend my time enjoying myself by travelling, seeing places, taking some good photos and doing some good eatin’. The planet more than ‘takes care’ of us when it sees fit so I shall treat it with the same respect it gives me.

  2. The only carbon-trading being done by the likes of Gore-Al will be in DeBeers latest offerings.

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