Hell on Earth

Via The Englishman, this little horror story in El Reg:

Britons should be subjected to random carbon spotchecks and intensive surveillance of their diets, transport and waste disposal habits, says the Government’s architecture and design quango in a new report today.

The word “monitoring” occurs 19 times in the 32-page publication by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE). If the proposals in the report What Makes An Eco Town?are implemented few aspects of life will go unrecorded.

There was a time when I would have thought this some weird jest, a Jeremy Beadle moment. Unfortunately, this is no joke; it is the evil that is socialism; totalitarianism writ large. No factor of our lives is to be omitted from the inspectors’ beady gaze.

CABE says the strict monitoring is needed to ensure the carbon footprint of the eco-town dwellers remains at one-third of the British average, which is the requirement for what’s called “one-planet living”, the quango says.

Just as well I don’t live in an eco-town, then. I fully intend never to do so. The last thing I want is to live among a bunch of watermelons anyway.

Examples of monitoring include “the ecological footprint of the diet of 100 randomly selected residents”, and the number of shops selling local produce. Waste disposal and transportion habits will also be scrutinized.

Good God! is there nothing or nowhere that these evil little guttersnipes will not invade in their unremitting pursuit of absolute power? That’s a rhetorical question, it doesn’t need a reply, for we know what it is, don’t we? No one will ever be allowed to monitor what I eat. I will eat what I damned well please and the government, its agencies and quangoes and the watermelons can go hang – preferably from piano wire. What I eat is none of their damned business wherever I live.

El Reg injected a note of dry cynicism:

One statistic that won’t be recorded is the mortality rate from suicide caused by living in such a grimly regimented and obsessively monitored environment.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of dumb sheep who think this is a jolly fine idea and that government isn’t going anywhere near far enough.

As we have already reported, other eco-town restrictions include a 15mph speed limit for vehicles , and toilets that don’t flush. Residents would also be “fined” for leaving the eco-town.

Once again, we have the watermelons wanting to drag us back from the advances made since the industrial revolution to a dark ages existence. Well, they can live like that if they want to. I have no intention of joining them – and fined, for fuck’s sake, for leaving? What is this, Hotel California or Portmerion? Jesus! As someone whose work is peripatetic, I’ll be running up one huge bill. An unpaid bill, I might add. I do not pay fines for simply going about my lawful business, earning the taxes that pay for this government to piss up the wall on such fruitloopery.

This is yet another example of the evil of socialism and why I have come to detest it with every fibre of my being.


  1. My only concern is that we haven’t got enough eco towns for all enviromentalists, greenies and the rest of the authritarian fascists. Build as many eco towns as it needs to house them all. Then, once they’ve all moved there, they won’t be able to leave because I will build a wall round the places to keep the fuckers in so the rest of us can get on living without their interference.

    I may need a few voluteers though.

    The Great Simpletons last blog post..Be afraid, very afraid

  2. I will help you with the wall. We can play Pink Flyod while we do it
    “Amother brick in the wall” LOLOLOLOL

  3. Make it a circular wall, about fifty feet high.When all the eco-freaks have moved in…fill it with water. Anyone seen swimming will be shot.

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