MPs Do Get It

The Devil’s Kitchen’s reaction to Tom Harris’ blog postings and the plethora of comments regarding his copy of 1984 was, for me, fairly predictable.

That smug bastard, Tom Harris MP, tries to defend himself against the deluge of critics and you can feel the contempt that he has for the people of Britain oozing from every weasel word. His defence essentially amounts to confessing that many of the laws that we are protesting about ar actually derived from EU Directives.

This little episode pretty much sums up the mindset of our MPs. They are right and we are wrong. Harris, rather than respond to the perfectly reasonable points put to him resorts to snide sarcasm without once presenting an argument in defence of his position. Indeed such is his casual contempt for his critics that he makes no effort to engage with their arguments, preferring to refer to those who disagree with him as fanatics. And, of course, there’s the hoary chestnut about paedophiles:

Surely no-one can have any objection to the use of these powers to gather evidence against paedophiles?

Well, actually, yes, I do. Not least because this has nothing to do with paedophiles or terrorists or criminals; that is merely a diversion used to demonise those of us who object. This is about control of the general population. You see, objection now means that I support paedophiles by default. It’s a cheap argument used by the lazy, the foolish, the cynical and the rampant control freak. An argument readily believed by the weak of mind.

DK suggests that Harris doesn’t get it. Really? After the firestorm of comments, most of which were rational, objective and polite? Okay, I know Old Holborn came across as a little, um, caustic, but even so, the points he made were perfectly valid and justified a response. Yet no response was forthcoming, merely snide asides. But does that mean Harris doesn’t get it? I think that he does get it very much.

One bonus from this exchange is that everyone who reads Harris’ blog will see for themselves what a smug, sneering, self-righteous, self-satisfied, supercilious, sanctimonious shit he is. A typical politician, in fact. I recall lobbying my MP, Roger Berry, at some length and although not so outwardly dismissive as Harris, given that he was writing to a constituent, he betrayed the same underlying  mindset; superiority dripped from every exchange. MPs, career politicians, are better than the proles they oversee. We are the serfs, and they, the modern day nobility. We are expected to know our place. Our opinions are not required. Come election time, they make a show of soliciting our opinions, but it is a sham, a pretence to obtain those crucial votes; nothing more.

These people are the enemy; traitors to the British people. They are scum and we would do well to not forget that fact. Contrary to DK’s assertion that Harris does not “get it”, he most assuredly does “get it”, it’s just that he would prefer it that we do not. And do not believe that for one minute that David “call me Dave” Cameron’s blue socialists will be much better.

Every time one of these poltroons trumpets the word “democracy” it is usually to justify their most recent power grab and in so doing, they illustrate just why this flawed system has failed. Read Tom Harris’ blog and the comments to see just what I mean. The man is not a democrat by any stretch of the imagination. He is a career politican who is living like a parasite from the labours of those of us who pay taxes. You and I are paying for this man and his colleages and they are kicking sand in our faces.

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