Polly’s right about a quarter of the time, but she cancels it out by being wrong three quarters of the time. Usually by contradicting herself within the same column.
Unfortunately this is not a straw in the wind for Polly’s return (or journey – she’s never actually been there) to sanity. However, whenever the bien pensant go in for a bit of Mail bashing, I’m always vaguely surprised that Dacre has never been awarded a permanent free pass by the Guardianistas because of his role in the Stephen Lawrence case. After all the backwash from that has ruined the Met and made race-hustling a secure and lucrative career option for our best and brightest.
Polly’s right about a quarter of the time, but she cancels it out by being wrong three quarters of the time. Usually by contradicting herself within the same column.
Mark Wadsworths last blog post..Fun online campaign
well all but the last paragraph and a half- but its the best Polly I’ve yet read. Wonder what she’d have said if Mr. Dacre had been silent?
Here’s a fine follow on article, also in The Graun.
Wot MW says.
Unfortunately this is not a straw in the wind for Polly’s return (or journey – she’s never actually been there) to sanity. However, whenever the bien pensant go in for a bit of Mail bashing, I’m always vaguely surprised that Dacre has never been awarded a permanent free pass by the Guardianistas because of his role in the Stephen Lawrence case. After all the backwash from that has ruined the Met and made race-hustling a secure and lucrative career option for our best and brightest.