The BBC Lies Again

Look at this headline from the increasingly inane BBC:

Global warming ‘underestimated’

Shock! Horror! Who’s is saying this?

The severity of global warming over the next century will be much worse than previously believed, a leading climate scientist has warned.

A leading climate scientist eh? Except

One fatal flaw with the BBC story is that Chris Field is not a climate scientist, as they claimed.  He is actually a Professor of Biology in an Ecology Department. So  how does the BBC choose their headlines?  In matters of global warming, apparently the apocalyptic words of one American ecologist overrule those of the UK’s own government climate scientists at The Met Office.  Chris Field clearly does not have any credentials to be making the climate claims the BBC reported.

So, that would be a great big fat lie, then. Pretty much like the rest of the dumbed down, asinine drivel that pours out of the BBC on a daily basis. Time, it seems, to stop the licence fee and make it pay its own way in the world.


Postscript: Apparently climate change killed off the Neanderthals. So there you go, then… That’s what happens when you don’t worship at the altar of the great carbon footprint.


  1. “Apparently climate change killed off the Neanderthals.”

    Shouldn’t have driven all those mammoth herds over cliffs with their bloody SUVs! Serves ’em right… 😉

  2. Yawn. More BBC dogma driven drivel. “And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: man made global warming is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing..”

    Sorry, couldn’t resist that one.

  3. “Postscript: Apparently climate change killed off the Neanderthals. So there you go, then… That’s what happens when you don’t worship at the altar of the great carbon footprint”

    Nah, it was cheap pterodactly flights to prague wot done it…

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