More Fuckwittery

This time from some arse called Andre Oboler.

Facebook has decided not to remove groups that deny the Holocaust. This policy contradicts its own “statement of rights and responsibilities“, which clearly states “you will not post content that is hateful”. Facebook seems to be ignorant of the inherent danger of Holocaust denial, the deeply hateful nature of it, and international efforts against racism. It either fails to understand the responsibility it has to society, or it has placed profit far above morality.


What is it about this generation that it has lost sight of the principle of free speech? A principle that previous generations fought and died for. That holocaust deniers are a bunch of deluded fuckwits is besides the point, when we restrict their freedom of speech, we restrict all freedom of speech. That is the principle. So, let them deny the holocaust – then challenge them out in the open. Facebook (piss be upon it) is right on this one.

Holocaust denial is illegal in 13 countries.

And it shouldn’t be.

Facebook’s move comes at a time when the British public are still recovering from the election of the BNP’s Nick Griffin, a Holocaust denier, to represent them in the European parliament.

Are we? I’m not “recovering” at all. I merely wait for Griffin to make a complete arse of himself as, sooner or later, he will.

The internet requires regulation,

Here we go… No it does not, you fucking little authoritarian jerk.


Update: John b mentions the inconsistency of Facebook’s terms in the comments. Not having ever felt inclined to join Facebook, I have never looked at them. However, I suspect that when they talk about hateful content it probably refers to personal attacks and bullying as there have been cases of this. I also suspect that with holocaust denial, they are applying the first amendment principle of free speech. Holocaust denial may be unpleasant and delusional, but is not directed at an individual, nor is it bullying. If I am right, there is no inconsistency.


  1. The man is simply a pillock. He needs to learn, fast, that the worst part of censorship is [MESSAGE ENDS]
    Oh, I just noticed this:
    “More action against hate is often required, as the National Union of Students has shown with its “no platform policy” – a total boycott of proscribed racist and fascist groups.”

    Yeah, we’ve had years of “no platform”, and it’s worked so well.

    Oh wait, no it hasn’t it’s got us two nazi MEPs.

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  2. Hang on… if Facebook’s stated policy was ‘we won’t remove material unless it’s illegal’, I’d agree 100% with you that making people in the US, UK etc comply with daft German laws was wrong. But since it’s ‘we’ll remove material if it’s hateful’, then I’m struggling to see how Holocaust denial fails to fall under that?
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  3. Hang about here, Facebook is a privately owned/operated business, if they want to allow or ban “Holocaust deniers” then that’s their decision and good luck to them. I’m not sure how this post would have read if Facebook had, of their own volition, decided to do so or not.

    As to Andre, he is clearly one of the “should” brigade, so we can cheerfully ignore him.
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  4. John b, I don’t give two hoots whether it is hateful or not. Facebook as a private company can allow or disallow as it pleases – and can interpret what it deems to be hateful too. It can be as inconsistent as it likes; I really don’t care. It owns its space, it can do as it pleases with it as far as I am concerned.

    On the wider issue – whether hateful or not, free speech is paramount. Let them speak and then knock down their arguments in the glare of daylight. Oboler is an idiot who fails to understand the lessons of history – ironic given the subject matter.

  5. Are the left so totally bereft of good arguments against holocaust deniers that they have to ban them?

    Don’t they realise that if we do censor the BNP (or anyone else) it plays to the self pitying nature of the ignoramous small minded. Furthermore, it reinforces their conspiracy theories that the whole system is against them and secretly controlled by Jews/lizards/blacks/muslims or whoever else is the hate figure of the day.
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