Derren Brown’s Lottery Trick

Fans are confused, apparently by Derren Brown’s lottery trick last Wednesday. However, take a close look at what happened…

Brown successfully produced the correct numbers during the The Live Event programme, at the same time the actual numbers were drawn on the lottery live show.

The explanation given – mathematical averages, doesn’t make any sense. A classic long con trick known as “the wire” does, however. Anyone who has watched The Sting or Hustle will know precisely how it works.

So, what was it; maths or a con?


  1. I’m guessing of course. However, I did watch his horse racing scam. A well executed con – beautiful almost. The wire – a time delay of a few seconds between the actual draw and the transmission would fit perfectly.

  2. simplest explanation is usually the right one: see YouTube for simple “at-home” solutions…all involve split screem. Simple !

  3. Splitscreen is the obvious answer for how the reading was done, but how did the numbers get on the balls? He asserts that there was no delayed feed (do we believe him) and we prefer to take that as true as it heightens the ‘illusion’ – but even if it *was* delayed, the numbers on the balls become the question…

    I have no idea how he did it, but find it entertaining nonetheless 🙂

    My favourite was the one he pulled with the advertising agency execs. where they produced the same image as he did, following their ‘supposed’ exposure to subliminal advertising whilst on the way to the meeting at which they were briefed on what to do…

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