The Yoof of Today and ID Cards

There’s an amusing piece in the Register regarding the Home Office research into what young people think about ID cards. If you remember, a little over a year ago, they launched a website aimed at young people with the aim of obtaining their views indoctrinating them.

The upshot being, that they were going to release the outcomes showing the world that these young folks were all tripping over themselves in excitement, anxious as they are for a shiny plastic ID card.

Or not…

The Home Office is refusing to release ‘research’ it carried out which was meant to prove just how very keen young people in the UK are to get hold of a delicious ID card.

Oh, why not?

The department blew almost £80,000 setting up a site to find out what people aged between 16 and 25 thought of ID cards. The site operated from July to mid-October and was run by Virtual Surveys. It suffered some early teething problems when admins were accused of censoring comments.

This, presumably, because the little blighters weren’t sufficiently “on message”.

Alongside a survey the youths were also asked to give their opinion of the project in 200 words. Many managed to do so in less than 200 words. “Don’t need, don’t want and won’t have one. Catch terrorist’s my ****. One word: Control.” was one of our favourites.

Ah… might this be why the Home Office has come over all coy so suddenly?

A spokesman for the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) gave us this epigram: “Mylifemyid was one of a number of pieces of work undertaken with young people. However, as our work with young people is still continuing, it was decided to wait and publish a full picture of the insights gained at the end of the process.”

In short, we will publish the data when the bastards give the right answer.

We’ve asked the anonymous spinner when the end of the process is likely to be, and whether the people concerned will still be young. They’ve not got back to us yet. We’ll get back to you when they do…

I doubt it will be wise for us to hold our breath.



  1. Just like the Irish being told to vote and re-vote until they give the “right” answer on the Lisbon Treaty.

    Surely the simplest solution as regards ‘yoof’ is to implant them with microchips at birth so that their every action throughout their lives is monitored and – when the technology is adequate – their thoughts as well.

    I despair of this country. My parents’ and elder siblings’ generation fought WW2 to preserve traditional British freedoms. How do we get these totalitarian scum off our backs?

  2. Just when I was loosing faith in the youth of today this comes up. Right on, tell the government to stick the ID cards where the monkey stuck his nuts.

  3. I wonder when the government of the day will realise they should grow up and not try to behave like some little advertising driven marketing company in order to promote their half-baked drivel.

  4. It’s like the Irish EU referendum; “Keep voting until you give us the answer we want”.

    If the governments attitude towards the public didn’t seem so sinister, the whole situation would be absurd.

  5. I had school girl working for me for two weeks on work experience. To my surprise she didn’t believe in man-made global warming. There is hope for youth after all.

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