Well, We Did Ask…

Yesterday, we posed the question, just how low will Labour sink when it comes to electioneering? Data mining is just too tempting for them to keep their sticky little fingers away from stuff that is none of their business. So this story, tells us what we need to know about the charlatans who tell us that we have nothing to fear if we have nothing to hide and all our data is safe with them:

Labour was today caught up in a new row over its use of personal data after e-mailing NHS professionals using their work addresses to ask for their support.

Remember that when the lying, deceitful, arrogant, self-righteous, malevolent scumbags tell you that the data they want on us is somehow safe with them. They are not just incompetent; leaving it lying about or putting it onto a leaky database, no, they will use personal information entrusted to state departments for party political purposes.

What will tomorrow bring, I wonder?