How Low?

Dick Puddlecote asks how low can Labour go in their grubby attempts to scare votes out of cancer patients.

I think we ain’t seen nothing yet. This is a government bereft of ethics, bereft of a compass of any sort, let alone a moral one. It has one desire and one only; the retention of power. Nothing else matters. So, dirty tricks will be used in abundance. I suppose there is a game to be had in trying to second guess their next sick gamble. The question then is; will we be horrified or will we merely sigh, having anticipated something of the ilk if not the actual depths of depravity.

Given the behaviour at the top, it is hardly surprising, therefore, that Stuart MacLennan thought that his behaviour was befitting a potential MP. Actually, given the behaviour we have witnessed over this parliament, it probably is… Still, this scumbag was too much even for Brown, which suggests that even he has a limit somewhere in his dark psyche. Or, more likley, he saw a liability and severed the link before the gangrene got to him; not realising that he is the source.

This is a thoroughly rotten administration with a thoroughly rotten set of principles. Well, just the one principle actually – self-aggrandisement through the acquisition and retention of power. Nothing else matters. So what if they mine health data to try and scare votes out of cancer patients? It’s all for the good of the New labour project, after all. And, let’s not forget; these are merely the little people, and the little people don’t count. They are sheeple to be herded, controlled, nagged and cajoled for their own good, but primarily so that those in power can remain there; reaping the rewards that power brings.

So, no, I don’t think they’ve sunk to their lowest yet by a long way. We have another three weeks or so of this and their malignant campaign has barely started. Bets are not yet off.


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