An Interesting Hand

I’ve been explaining victimhood poker to Mrs L and to be fair, she has latched onto its rules very quickly, which is why she was puzzled by this case.

Eunice and Owen Johns, aged 62 and 65, from Oakwood, Derby, went to court after a social worker expressed concerns when they said they could not tell a child a “homosexual lifestyle” was acceptable.

“But,” she said, “they’re black.”

Well, yes you would think that this would trump everything, being an ace, but they are straight and Christian, so they have two Jokers in their hand; straight and Christian, which clearly outweighed the Black Ace. If they had been Muslim, then it would have been different as they would have an ace and a queen, no probs.


  1. I’m in 2 minds on this one.

    On one hand, they have successfully fostered 15 kids in the past and seem to be very good at it.

    On the other, it would seem that none of these kids were gay. Some gay people have told me that they have known they were gay from a very early age. I wonder what effect being placed with this couple would have had on them.

    I would like a few more facts about exactly what they are telling/not telling these kids before jumping off the fence.

  2. From the various reports and TV interviews, they were not prepared to say that the gay lifestyle was an acceptable one. This is not the same thing as being intolerant of homosexual people.

    To me, it’s the old section 28 argument. Tolerance is fine. We should be tolerant. However people should be under no obligation to promote or celebrate something that they disapprove of. Given their religious convictions, I wouldn’t expect them to.

    Unfortunately there is a tendency to expect us to celebrate the gay lifestyle. Sorry, but I’m not going to and I don’t think others should be expected to. As a libertarian, I take a live and let live approach. What other people get up to in the bedroom is no concern of mine. I neither approve nor disapprove as its a personal and private matter, but I won’t celebrate it.

    This post, though, was an amused comment about the contradictions the lefties get into with their favoured victim groups. Almost to the point where you can predict which way they will jump depending on the hand being dealt.

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