And it Has What, Precisely, to do With You?

The Aussies are into planking apparently. This means getting oneself photographed lying, like a plank, in unusual places. One such planker fell off a balcony to his death. Which is all very tragic, but those of us with colder hearts might just view as Darwinism in action. Not so the Australian PM.

The Australian prime minister has called for an end to the internet phenomenon of “planking” after a man died when he fell from a seventh-floor balcony while having his picture taken.

It’s not really up to her to call for an end to it, though, is it?

“There’s a difference between a harmless bit of fun done somewhere that’s really safe and taking a risk with your life,” Gillard told reporters on Sunday.

“Everybody likes a bit of fun, but focus has to be on keeping yourself safe first.”

I wouldn’t disagree, but, again, nothing to do with politicians. If people choose to risk their lives in the pursuit of silliness, that is their concern.


  1. Talk about pointing out the bloody obvious. No wonder Australia is so in the shit, not that Gillard’s predecessor was much better…

  2. Relatively speaking, we’re not in the poo at all, however, the faux red, utterly useless, completely incompetent, never had a proper job, Welsh export, stinking commie, I’ll do what it takes to stay in power, couldn’t organise a screw in a brothel bonehead is doing all she can to take us there.

    Fortunately, unlike the UK, we do not have the two main political parties trying to outdo themselves as to which is most green (i.e. self-destructive authoritarianism). We have one such party, backed by the Greens, but the other has been aggressive in attacking the carbon tax Julia promised us she wouldn’t have before the last election with the result that the Labor (sic) brand in Australia is toxic and it is in retreat at both the state and federal levels.

    The question is: how much poo can she get us in before she gets royally ditched at the next election, that is if she doesn’t get stabbed in the back by her colleagues before them?

  3. “The question is: how much poo can she get us in before she gets royally ditched at the next election…”

    If she’s Gordon Brown in a dress, quite a lot…

  4. I guess AFGHANISTAN can be classified as a harmless bit of fun
    seeing politicians send troops there
    Making the most of their youthful exuberance and hormones

  5. “Charles Darwin, call your service. You have voicemail!”
    The only capital crime in the Universe is stupidity. The sentence is Death carried out without compassion by the Universe itself.

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