Old Lies, Old labour

Margaret Hodge can’t take no for an answer. She thinks that ID cards will help with controlling immigration.

“Without ID cards you can’t control borders and if you can’t control borders, pretending you can control numbers is simply never going to happen.”

How many times did we hear variations of this codswallop during the ID cards debate when Labour was trying to foist them upon us? Along with controlling benefit fraud, terrorism and the bogeyman under the bed. ID cards will not control immigration –  and certainly they will have no effect on illegal immigration. The entire suggestion is nonsense. The woman is a charlatan who cannot recognise when she has lost the argument. Not just lost it, but lost it comprehensively. Labour had no justification for the scheme and scraped around for any possible hook to hang it on –  the feeble justifications changed almost daily as each argument was trashed. Had Labour remained in power, we would have seen some sort of watered down version of the original plans put forward by the truly obnoxious David Blunkett in order to keep face and attempt to control us by tagging and tracking our lives. These people are nasty control freaks and even having been shown the door, the desire to control remains in place. So, too, the outrageous lies.


  1. It just goes to show that Labour has not changed in the slightest in respect to its attitude to civil liberties.

  2. Big Brother control freakery PLUS pandering to immigration fears PLUS ‘outflanking the Tories from the right’ = New Labour at its worst

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